Dräger Clan Lab Simultest Kit - PN: 4056562

Dräger Clan Lab Simultest Kit Complete
PN: 4056562
Dräger Clan Lab Simultest Kit
Dräger has developed the Clan Lab Simultest Sets and Kits that identifies the presence of chemicals commonly found in the major production methods of methamphetamine. This Clan Lab Simultest Set allows the user to quickly determine the degree of exposure to target chemicals found on site and confirm the appropriate level of respiratory protection. The Clan Lab Simultest identifies and measure gases found in the three most common production methods of methamphetamine.
Dräger Clan Lab Simultest Kit Complete
PN: 4056562
Dräger Clan Lab Simultest Kit
Dräger has developed the Clan Lab Simultest Sets and Kits that identifies the presence of chemicals commonly found in the major production methods of methamphetamine. This Clan Lab Simultest Set allows the user to quickly determine the degree of exposure to target chemicals found on site and confirm the appropriate level of respiratory protection. The Clan Lab Simultest identifies and measure gases found in the three most common production methods of methamphetamine.