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- Abatement Technologies
Abatement Technologies is a leader in the design and manufacture of powerful abatement products. Our products reliably remove or help protect you from harmful particulates, bioaerosols and volatile organic compounds to improve your indoor air quality.
Since our founding in 1985, more than tens of thousands of environmental abatement and HVAC contractors, commercial building owners, facility managers and hospital infection control specialists have trusted Abatement Technologies products. These professionals recognize that our products lead the way in design, performance, quality and reliability. Our products have evolved to include:
HEPA-AIRE® negative air machines and other high quality equipment for asbestos abatement
HEPA-AIRE® portable power vacuums for source removal air duct cleaning
HEPA-AIRE® portable Air Scrubbers to help control hazardous airborne contaminants during activities such as mold abatement, fire and water damage restoration, and construction
HEPA-CARE® air purification systems for healthcare facilities to quickly and effectively convert hospital rooms into CDC-compliant negative pressure or positive pressure isolation rooms Central Air Purification products (CAP®) for residential HVAC systems to remove airborne pollutants, allergens and odors from homes and buildings
Abatement Technologies
- +++"classic: 60"" panel+++#12/3 awg+++1 ea h2240-08 quick-connect collar (8")+++1 ea hc2235-08 exhaust collar (8")+++1/8" elbow connector/reducer for ppm3 series monitors+++1/8" elbow connector/reducer for rpm-rt pressure monitors. 1/ea. note: 1/8" to 1/16" for rpm units only+++1/8" i.d.+++1/8" quick connect 1/8" adapter for ppm3-s & previous portable pressure monitors+++1/cs+++1/cs.+++1/cs. +++1/cs. marked with green dot.+++1/cs. for pas1600s & hhc (discont)+++1/ea+++1/ea.+++1/ea. (not for use above ceilings or when the hepa-care unit is exhausted into the hvac system.)+++1/ea. (ul class 0 - non-combustible)+++10 micron filter with barbs for pressure monitor including ppm3-s and rpm-trs+++10" diameter duct hose joint+++10-ft hose for v8000wd+++10/cs.+++100-240v+++100/cs.+++10in dia collar+++10” dia. x 12’+++11" combination nozzle for v8000wd+++12" diameter duct hose joint+++12" inlet/outlet collar+++12" wide+++12' spring loaded poles+++12/cs+++12/cs.+++16" x 16" x 2" vapor-lock® high capacity 50% carbon & potassium permanganate+++16' ladder for ag8000 units rev b and higher+++18" wide+++18" x 24" x 2" vapor-lock® high capacity 50% carbon & potassium permanganate+++18” industrial metal floor nozzle for v8000wd+++18” industrial metal squeegee for v8000wd+++1ea.+++1ea.- pn : v6084+++1in prefilter pad+++1in x 24in x 90ft roll filter+++2 ceiling clamps and 2 shims"+++2 ceiling clamps and 2 shims.+++2 ea h2350-08 locking clamp (8") and 1 ea h20008-8-1 semi-rigid metal flex duct (8"x8').+++2 ea h2350-08 locking clamp (8") and 1 ea h20508-8-1 semi-rigid metal flext duct (8'x8').+++2 ea h2350-08 locking clamp (8") and h20508-8-1 semi-rigid metal flex duct (8"x8').+++2 in pleated filter 6cs/50cs skid+++2 panel clamps+++2" second stage uv-resistant pre-filter+++2" pleated pre-filter+++2' x 2'+++2-in crevice tool for v8000wd+++2.75"x36yd+++2/cs+++2/cs.+++2/cs. +++2/ea.+++20' long+++20/skid+++2000+++200f+++24 rolls+++24 rolls/cs.+++24 tests per cs.+++24" panels with exhaust system installed and individual components+++24" wide+++24" x 200'+++24" x 24" ceiling plate with 8" collar and h2350-08 locking clamp for exhausting portable hepa-care systems into the area above the drop ceiling+++24" x 24" x 2" vapor-lock® high capacity 50% carbon & 50% potassium permanganate+++24" x 48" ceiling plate with 8" collar and h2350-08 locking clamp for exhausting portable hepa-care systems into the area above the drop ceiling+++25 foot section for use with ppm3-s and prm-rt series pressure monitors+++25 ft+++25' length+++25-ft discharge hose for v8000wd+++25/cs.+++25/skid+++2ea panel clamps+++2ea uv425 ultra-high output uvgi lamps & hc1818-h14 hepa filter+++2nd stage 2" pleated particulate prefilter+++3" aluminum+++30 mats per pack+++30 rolls/pallet)+++30 sheets/pad+++32" clearance (universal swing): aire guardian® shield telescoping containment door+++32" wide door in a 36" wide panel+++32" wide door in a 36" wide panel core only. door only; does not include door closure+++36"+++36" wide+++36" x 45" blue sticky mat+++36"" wide+++38" x 100'+++3ea shims.+++4 drums/pallet.+++4 gal canister hepa vacuum+++4 gal hepa vacuum+++4 packs per case+++4 pads/case+++4' x 8'+++4-way air pattern+++42" clearance (sliding): aire guardian® shield sliding containment door+++44" clearance (universal swing): aire guardian® shield telescoping containment door+++44" clearance (universal swing): aire guardian® shield telescoping containment door+++44" wide door in a 48" wide panel+++48" wide+++48" wide panel+++4ea uv425 ultra-high output uvgi lamps and hc1836-h14 hepa filter+++5 gal pail+++5 gal. pail+++5/cs.+++50' discharge hose for mp3000+++50/cs+++54" clearance (sliding): aire guardian® shield sliding containment door+++54"" clearance sliding): aire guardian ® shield sliding containment door+++55 gal. drum+++5gl+++5pk+++6 mil x 20' x 100' (available by pallet only+++6/cs+++6/cs.+++60" wide panel+++60"" wide panel+++6mil layflat duct 12in+++8 gal wet/dry hepa vac+++8 gal wet/dry hepa vacuum+++8" dia. x 12'+++8" dia. x 25'+++8" diameter duct hose joint+++8" inlet collar+++84”/123" adjustable height+++8” dia. x 12' long+++8” dia. x 8’ long+++9-in brush tool for v8000wd+++90 degrees inside fixed angle (non-variable); turns the wall towards the inside of the containment area. corner and hardware; includes 1ea upper and 1ea lower panel brackets+++99.97 hepa filter+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/12ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/18ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/36ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/42ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/45ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/72ea skid+++99.99 gel seal hepa 1ea/72ea skid+++99.99 gel seal hepa before 1/04+++99.99 hepa filter 1ea/36skid hepa-care+++abatement+++abatement 14/3 sjtw yellow extension cord+++abatement ag8000 ceiling extender+++abatement chemicals+++abatement technologies+++abetement+++add-on exhaust port: exhaust port kit for user installation. fits 24"+++additional hardware and accessories+++adjustable. l/r+++adsorball carbon v-bank filter+++afd filters & accessories+++afd filters & accessories+++ag icra door guard 10mil+++ag shield 36" large add-on window kit+++ag shield add-on window+++ag-caddy+++ag-caddy aire guardian® caddy+++ag-dg100+++ag-reprkit+++ag-ucart+++ag-ufmcart+++ag-uframe+++ag-ufrmbas+++ag-ufrmpol+++ag-ufrmpor+++ag-ufrmtop+++ag3000enc+++ag3000mccc+++ag3000mcck+++ag3100enc+++ag3100tmk+++ag3200-2ek+++ag5000+++ag5000 side wall access panel+++ag5000-sa+++ag5000kit+++ag8000+++ag8000 adapter collar 10” for pas750 (rev. c) +++ag8000 with pas750+++ag8000-ext24+++ag8000-rfkit+++ag8000cadk+++ag8000cord+++ag8000pas+++ag8000pas-rpm+++ag8000sc+++ag8750-adpt+++ags bracket+++ags-core-12-x3+++ags-core-18-x3+++ags-core-24-x3+++ags-core-36-x3+++ags-core-48-x3+++ags-core-cmp+++ags-core-d32+++ags-core-d44+++ags-core-ds42+++ags-core-ds54+++ags-core-ep24+++ags-core-p12+++ags-core-p18+++ags-core-p24+++ags-core-p36+++ags-core-p48+++agshield sample kits+++agshield standard panels+++agshield-12w-x3+++agshield-18w-x3+++agshield-24w-x3+++agshield-36w-x3+++agshield-48w-x3+++agshield-ar2+++agshield-ar2h+++agshield-ar3+++agshield-ar3h+++agshield-cart2+++agshield-cfi+++agshield-chu+++agshield-cmp+++agshield-d32w+++agshield-d44w+++agshield-ds42w+++agshield-ds54w+++agshield-ep24w+++agshield-ep24w and agshield-ex10; and 3ea agshield-hdwr and tape46.+++agshield-ex08+++agshield-ex10+++agshield-ex12+++agshield-exd+++agshield-exk+++agshield-hdwrdp+++agshield-hdwrdsp+++agshield-hwcg10+++agshield-hwcg10s+++agshield-hwfb10+++agshield-hwpb10+++agshield-hwpc10+++agshield-hwpm1+++agshield-hwpm2+++agshield-hwpmuk+++agshield-hws30+++agshield-keypad+++agshield-knbc-10+++agshield-knbp-10+++agshield-p12c+++agshield-p12w+++agshield-p18w+++agshield-p24w+++agshield-p36w+++agshield-p48w+++agshield-ti+++agshield-to+++agshield-wk+++agshield-wkl+++agshield-wsa+++agshield-wse3+++agshield-wsed+++agshield-wsel+++aire guardian® 10' heavy duty vinyl enclosure for ag3000mcck+++aire guardian® 3000 enclosure repair kit+++aire guardian® anteroom ag3100tmk+++aire guardian® base platform with four lockable casters+++aire guardian® bottom frame with locking post holder sockets+++aire guardian® dual purpose system+++aire guardian® frame and cart kit+++aire guardian® frame only+++aire guardian® left adjustable extension post+++aire guardian® mobile containment systems+++aire guardian® removable top frame+++aire guardian® right adjustable extension post+++aire guardian® shield corner+++aire guardian® shield keypad for doors.+++aire guardian® shield t connection+++aire guardian® shield wall seal+++aire guardian® transition module heavy duty vinyl enclosure for ag3100ark and ag3100tm+++also includes 2 each hcgd2 grip disks.+++and agshield-cart2; 3ea agshield-hdwr and tape46.+++and agshield-cart2; and 3ea agshield-hdwr and tape46.+++and clamps+++and dew point data logger with lcd+++and installation hardware. does not include manifold for ducting connection.+++ante up® hc7917 inflatable emergency anteroom+++ante up® replacement electric inflator+++aquatrap wifi dehumidifier+++aquatrap® dehumidifier+++aquatrap® lgr dehumidifier+++as205-5+++as300+++as302+++as304+++as305+++as305g+++as310+++as357+++as398+++as450+++as875-5+++as875-55+++asb3350cp6m+++asbestos bags (33x50)+++asbestos sign 14"x20"+++asbsign-pl+++at1210rep+++at150rs+++at200c+++at200c filter+++at200fltr+++at250fltr+++at250fltrkit+++at250rs+++at250rs pleated filter+++b101+++backpack hepa vacuum+++backpack hepa vacuum with tool set+++bd2km+++bd2kma+++beater bar power nozzle for v8000wd+++bio-might® 100 1gal+++black nylon+++blank security plate+++builder board hard floor cover+++bulldog+++bulldog durable polymer body negative air machines+++caddy kit for ag8000+++cage for the hepa for v8000wd+++cap filters & accessories+++carbon web only; no particulate filtration.+++carpet mask+++carry bag+++chemicals+++clamp+++clamp knobs+++clamps and other accessories for hepa-care® unit+++classic: 36" panel+++classic: 48" panel+++classic: agshield customer micro panel kit+++classic: aire guardian ® shield telescoping containment panel+++classic: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel+++classic: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel with exhaust port frame & security plate+++classic: panel height extension for 12" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 18" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 24" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 36" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 48" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: temporary reusable modular containment kit with fixed corners. includes 2ea agshield-cfi and agshield-wsed; 1ea: agshield- ds44w+++classic: temporary reusable modular containment kit with fixed corners. includes 2ea agshield-cfi and agshield-wsed; 1ea: agshield-d44w+++classic: temporary reusable modular containment kit with hinged corners. includes 2ea agshield-chu and agshield-wsed; 1ea: agshield- ds44w+++clear heavy duty pvc flex duct+++clear heavy-duty pvc flex duct+++clear poly sheeting+++clear polycarbonate+++clear: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel+++closed cell foam gasket (10 ft length)+++collars+++commercial zipdoor with 2-sided tape+++concrobium disinfectant cs4+++concrobium mold control 1gl cs4+++concrobium mold control 5gl+++concrobium mold stain remover+++concrobium mold stain remover cs4+++concrobium® mold stain remover+++concrobium® products+++connects 8" ducting to surfaces+++construction cart ag5000+++construction cart ag8000+++construction cart kit ag3000+++consumables+++containment kits+++containment module accessories+++containment modules+++contains 1 ea. 24" x 24" patch and adhesive+++core pnly. door only; does not include door closure+++core: aire guardian ® shield telescoping containment panel+++core: 36" panel+++core: 48" panel+++core: 60" panel+++core: agshield core customer micro panel kit+++core: aire guardian ® shield telescoping containment panel+++core: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel+++core: panel height extension for 12" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 18" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 24" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 36" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 48" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++corners+++coroplast-4x4+++corrugated aluminum semi-rigid ducting+++data logger+++dbd2100pk+++dehumidifiers+++dehumidifiers and accessories+++delmhorst® bd-2100w/cs moisture meter with case+++delmhorst® navigatorpro moisture meter package+++delmhorst® techcheck moisture meters package+++differential pressure monitor+++diffuser panel for exhaust or make up air for the agshield system. this accessory will work with the agshield-exk and agshield-ex24 panel and accepts a 16 x 16 x 2 pleated filter.+++dl-1000+++dnaproprpk+++door knob+++doors (with knob and closer)+++drip tray+++ds5040-00+++dtechckpk+++duct+++duct cleaning consumables+++durable polymer body+++dust bag for v10d+++dust containment kit ag8000+++easy up portable shower+++emergency anteroom module+++en100-5+++environmental monitors+++exhaust filter for v1300h+++extends up to 10' 3" high. does not include manifold. panel only; hardware not included.+++extends up to 10' 3" high. panel only; hardware not included.+++extends up to 10'3" high. panel only; hardware not included.+++extension cord+++extension wands for v8000wd+++f1821+++f2221+++f621+++fiber+++fiber trapper filter 1in cs12/45cs skid+++fiber trapper filter 2in cs12/20 cs skid+++filter+++final stage 99.97% hepa filter+++final stage 99.99% hepa filter for hc600f+++final stage 99.99% hepa filter with uv lamp for hc600fuv+++final stage cylindrical 99.97% hepa filter with uv lamp for hc400f-uv+++flame retardant tape+++fleece filter bag v8000wd pk5+++flex duct+++flex duct for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++flex-a-lite fogger for wet fogging+++floor mask+++for irradiating exhaust air from an hc800fd and hc500fd; mounts onto the top exhaust outlet. includes four ultra-high output uv425 uvgi lamps. note: this model cannot be used with any other hepa-care unit.+++for supplemental protection to hepa-care systems; fits into a 2 ft. x 2 ft. drop ceiling grid; includes four ultra-high output uv425 uvgi lamps.+++for use with ppm3-s and rpm-rts+++foster® 40-20™ fungicidal protective coating for ducts+++foster® first defense™ disinfectant+++foster® full defense™ fungicidal coating+++foster® sheer defense™ mold resistant clear coat+++fr corrugated plastic sheeting 4'x4'+++front caster for v8000wd+++galvanized steel+++gann electronic non-pin moisture meter+++germicidal uv lamp+++germicidal uv plus lamp+++grill-mask dispenser for 13" wide grill-mask+++grillmask 13in+++grillmask dispenser 13in+++grillmask dispenser 8in+++grip discs+++grip disks+++h1002+++h1010m+++h1210c-99+++h14 gel seal hepa 1ea/20ea skid+++h14-2025+++h161606-99+++h1901+++h1902+++h1910m+++h1980p+++h1990m+++h2001+++h2002+++h2003+++h2004+++h2010m+++h2015-12+++h2020-08+++h2020-10+++h2020-12+++h2030-08+++h2030-10+++h2030-12+++h2030-14+++h2030-8-12+++h203010-02+++h203010-12+++h203012-10+++h20508-8-1+++h2080p+++h2092-25+++h2092-25tl+++h2240-08+++h2240-08k+++h2240-12b+++h2240-12k+++h2308-08+++h2310-10+++h2312-12+++h2350-08+++h2350-10+++h2350-12+++h2350-14+++h2418-99+++h242406-99+++h242406dg+++h2km+++h2kma+++h502+++h502uvr+++h610c-99+++h610c-99uv+++h8516+++h8518+++handheld laser particle counter+++hardwre108+++hc vapor-lock filter+++hc-frtape+++hc-ywtape+++hc101acck+++hc103acck+++hc105acck+++hc1612c+++hc1612c-uv+++hc1802am+++hc1802cf+++hc1818-99+++hc1818-h14+++hc1836-99x+++hc1836-h14+++hc1836-h14 hepa filter and wall-mounted control box.+++hc183699gx+++hc2235-08+++hc2424-08k+++hc2448-08k+++hc400c-pp+++hc400f+++hc500fduv+++hc7917+++hc800c and uv400c-pt+++hc800cd+++hc800f+++hc800fd+++hc800fduv+++hc9900+++hcast-1+++hccb1+++hcfr2+++hcgd2+++hchdaz12+++hchdaz2+++hckt12+++hckt20+++hcnc1001+++hcnsp2+++hcpdpmtube+++hcsc2+++hcslp4+++hctph1+++hcvw8-c+++hczdc+++hczp4+++hd pvc flex duct 10inx25ft+++hd pvc flex duct 14in x 25ft+++heads+++hepa filter+++hepa filter 1ea/36ea skid+++hepa filter dry only+++hepa filter for v10d+++hepa filter for v1300h+++hepa filter for v930d hepa vacuum+++hepa filter wet/dry - vacuums+++hepa filters and uv lamps for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++hepa-air galvanized steel negative air machines+++hepa-aire+++hepa-aire 1200 portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire 2400 ultra-high performance portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire 5000 high performance portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire 750 portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire pas1700 portable air scrubber+++hepa-care digital portable hepa filtration system with hc1802am prefilter and hc1836-h14 hepa filter+++hepa-care® ceiling mounted germicidal uv module for stand alone use; fits into a 2 ft. x 2 ft. drop ceiling grid; includes four ultra-high output uv425 uvgi lamps.+++hepa-care® ceiling/duct mounted germicidal uv 'pass through' module+++hepa-care® digital ceiling-mounted hepa filtration system with hc1802am prefilter+++hepa-care® digital portable hepa filtration system with hc1802am prefilter+++hepa-care® germicidal uv module+++hepa-care® systems for patient care+++hi-filtration dust bags for v1300h+++humidity+++hwpc10+++ic21000fk**+++ic21000pk*+++icmobkc+++icmobvc+++icra compliance kit+++icra fr barrier 6mil+++icra kits+++icra packages for mobile containment+++includes h2350-08 locking clamp+++includes h2350-08 locking clamp+++inside door handle for ag8000+++inward facing+++iq810+++isolation room accessory kits+++isolation room installation kit for 24"x24" drop ceiling connection and contains: 1 ea hc2424-08 ceiling exhaust plate (24"x24")+++isolation room installation kit for 24"x48" drop ceiling connection and contains: 1 ea hc2448-08 ceiling exhaust plate (24"x48")+++isolation room installation kit for floor to window or 100% inside ceiling connection and contains: 1 ea hc2235-08 exhaust collar (8")+++isoquad® 8'x10' patient bed enclosure+++isoquad® 810 bed isolation module+++k1-gm-13+++k1-gm-8 grillmask 8in+++k1-gm-ds-13+++k1-gm-ds-8+++k1-gm-ds13+++k6-4020+++k6-4025+++k6-4051+++k6-4080+++k9-2600+++knbc-10+++knbp-10+++ladder03+++lamp+++latch09+++lead paint test kit+++lockdown encap 5gl+++locking black latch for ag8000+++locking clamp 10in dia+++locking clamp 12in dia+++locking clamp 14in dia+++locking clamp 8in dia+++man-pas600+++manifolds+++masti-solv plus®+++masti-solv® plus low mastic remover+++mega pump high-volume water extraction system+++metal curved wand for v8000wd+++metal floor nozzle for v8000wd+++metal frame+++metal portable air scrubbers+++miscellaneous accessories+++mmg2030+++modular decontamination shower+++moisture meters+++molded inlet manifold+++mp3000+++multi-purpose spray adhesive+++mylar flex 10in x 25ft cs6+++mylar flex 12in x 25ft cs4+++mylar flex 8in x 25ft cs6+++nashua spray adhesive 20oz can/12-cs+++negative air machines+++not for use above ceilings or when the hepa-care unit is exhausted into the hvac system+++or 48" panels. includes a front and back frame+++or connecting hardware.+++or pair (new)+++outlet collar-12" injection molded c/w gasket for h2km & h2kma+++outlet/exhaust adapter plate with 8” diameter collar for hc400c+++outward facing+++p-500+++p-505+++p-cm340clr+++p-cmbldls38100+++p-driptrayhd+++p-fm625clr+++p-sm377+++p-sm400+++p-sm409+++panel bracket sets+++panel knobs+++part number : h242406dg+++particulate / carbon prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++pas1200+++pas1200uv+++pas1680+++pas1700+++pas2400+++pas5000+++pas600 inlet manifld+++pas680+++pas750+++pc501+++phc-3b+++phc102+++plastic crevice wand for v8000wd+++plate & head+++plates+++pleated bag filter 4cs/32cs skid+++pleated filter 2in 12cs/12cs skid+++plt fltr 12cs/16cs skid+++pm-elbow+++pm-filter+++pm-qc+++poles+++poly pad filter 1in 50cs/12cs skid+++polygrabbers poly hanging clip+++polygrabbers poly hanging clip #3+++portable+++portable air scrubbers+++portable differential pressure monitor+++potassium permanganate carbon prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++potassium permanganate carbon prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines*+++power supply for ppm3-s+++power supply for rpm-rt series pressure monitors+++ppm wall hanger monitors+++ppm3-elbow+++ppm3-s+++ppm3s+++pred1200+++pred1200uv+++pred750+++predator+++predator & hepa-aire+++predator 1200 portable air scrubber+++predator 750 portable air scrubber+++pvc air tubing+++quick conn collar w/clamp 12in+++quick connect collar+++quick-connect collar+++quick-connect collar for connecting 8” exhaust ducting to solid surfaces+++ram centrifugal air movers+++ram low profile air movers+++ram1000dbl+++ram1000lp+++rear caster for v8000wd+++red stucco tape+++replacement bags for v930d hepa vacuum+++replacement filter pad for at150r & at250r+++replacement filters and uv lamps for hepa-care® units+++retrofit kit to change from haf filter to pleated filter for at150rs and at250rs. includes gasket spacer and screws. at150rs serial numbers before b70217200185 and at250rs serial numbers before b70317200185 require a retrofit kit to use a pleated filter+++retrofit kit to convert an ag8000 rev a unit to accept the fiberglass ladder and smooth collapsing telescoping ladder+++ring panel filter 2in 12cs/18cs skid+++room pressure monitoring accessories+++rpm-cable-025+++rpm-hang+++rpm-rt1+++rpm-rt2+++rpm-rtk1+++rpm-rtk2+++rpm-rtpower+++rpm-rtsensor+++rpm-rtsensorb+++rpm-std & dx units and charger for ppm3 units.(6v)+++rpm230psup+++rpmcable-025+++rpmrt1+++rpmsensor+++rrp-tk+++s4000eu+++s5000et+++s5110b+++s5300+++saf161601+++saf182401+++saf242401+++safe-flex dust control barrier & hangers+++shampoo 16.9oz/500ml btl+++shield 10" dia. exhaust manifold+++shield 12" dia. exhaust manifold+++shield 8" dia. exhaust manifold+++shield anteroom+++shield ceiling clamp+++shield containment panels+++shield hardware floor bracket+++shield keypad pack for doors+++shield panel clamp+++shield ppm3-s bracket+++shield rpm bracket+++shield shims+++shield slim ceiling clamp+++shield wall seal+++shower pump system+++sm2436pk+++sock filter for s5000et+++software included+++sound attenuating+++sound attenuating. accessories included: 2 panel brackets+++spark arrestor pre-filter+++spark arrestor prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++standard zippers+++static tip for terminating tubing in rooms+++sticky mat frame 24x36+++sticky mats+++straight blade+++suction brush for v8000wd+++super waterwetter 5gl+++supply air diffuser with plenum+++tape46+++teleshower+++temperature+++terminal duct filter (30/skid)+++terminal duct filter 1ea (15/skid)+++tethers+++tf2424+++tf2448+++three-piece metal adapter to attach drywall to agshield panels or doors (drywall not included). order one wsed per drywall installation.+++transport cart for aire guardian+++twist and lock power cord for pas2400 models without hard-wired cords.+++universal (90° inward to 270° outward)+++universal nozzle for v8000wd+++universal swing+++uv blue painters tape+++uv125+++uv400c+++uv400c-pt+++uv415+++uv425+++uv625+++uv800f+++uvgi lamp for pr1200uvhc model (2 required)+++uvp125+++uvp425+++uvp625+++v10d+++v1340+++v1342+++v1345+++v14295+++v1471097500+++v1471104500+++v15546+++v15805+++v302000447+++v302000465+++v302000472+++v5146+++v5147+++v54118+++v6084+++v6086+++v60911+++v8000wd+++v8010+++v8020+++v8023+++v8025+++v8040+++v8042+++v8042-w+++v8046+++v8050+++v930-10+++v93040+++v930d+++vacuum - wet continuous pumper+++vacuum accessories for v1300h+++vacuum accessories to the v8000wd+++vacuum toolkit for v8000wd+++vapor-lock filter 6cs/24cs skid+++vapor-lock filter 6cs/36cs skid+++vb242412+++vl1002+++vl2002+++vl2024+++vl602+++vlb1616+++vlb2418+++vlb2424+++vm60001+++vwv1800p+++wall seals+++wall-mounted+++wall-mounted differential pressure monitor+++wall-mounted temperature and relative humidity sensor for the rpm-rt series pressure monitors. does not include cable to connect to monitor.+++wall-mounted temperature and relative humidity sensor for the rpm-rt series pressure monitors; for room b on rpm-rt2 units. does not include cable to connect to monitor+++white sticky mats+++white. door only; does not include door closure+++white. accessories included: 2 panel brackets+++windows+++wire reinforced+++with 48" hose+++with exhaust port frame & security plate+++yellow vinyl tape+++zippered water resistant cover for ag8000 unit.+++zippers+++zipwall+++zipwall® 12’ poles+++zipwall® 4pl basic zipwall® kit+++zipwall® carry bag+++zipwall® dust barrier and accessories+++zipwall® economy pole kit+++zipwall® grip disks+++zipwall® heavy duty zipper+++zipwall® heavy duty zippers+++zipwall® plate only+++zipwall® poles+++zipwall® rails w/t-clips+++zipwall® side clamp+++zipwall® tether+++zipwall® zipdoor kit+++
- +++"classic: 60"" panel+++#12/3 awg+++1 ea h2240-08 quick-connect collar (8")+++1 ea hc2235-08 exhaust collar (8")+++1/8" elbow connector/reducer for ppm3 series monitors+++1/8" elbow connector/reducer for rpm-rt pressure monitors. 1/ea. note: 1/8" to 1/16" for rpm units only+++1/8" i.d.+++1/8" quick connect 1/8" adapter for ppm3-s & previous portable pressure monitors+++1/cs+++1/cs.+++1/cs. +++1/cs. marked with green dot.+++1/cs. for pas1600s & hhc (discont)+++1/ea+++1/ea.+++1/ea. (not for use above ceilings or when the hepa-care unit is exhausted into the hvac system.)+++1/ea. (ul class 0 - non-combustible)+++10 micron filter with barbs for pressure monitor including ppm3-s and rpm-trs+++10" diameter duct hose joint+++10-ft hose for v8000wd+++10/cs.+++100-240v+++100/cs.+++10in dia collar+++10” dia. x 12’+++11" combination nozzle for v8000wd+++12" diameter duct hose joint+++12" inlet/outlet collar+++12" wide+++12' spring loaded poles+++12/cs+++12/cs.+++16" x 16" x 2" vapor-lock® high capacity 50% carbon & potassium permanganate+++16' ladder for ag8000 units rev b and higher+++18" wide+++18" x 24" x 2" vapor-lock® high capacity 50% carbon & potassium permanganate+++18” industrial metal floor nozzle for v8000wd+++18” industrial metal squeegee for v8000wd+++1ea.+++1ea.- pn : v6084+++1in prefilter pad+++1in x 24in x 90ft roll filter+++2 ceiling clamps and 2 shims"+++2 ceiling clamps and 2 shims.+++2 ea h2350-08 locking clamp (8") and 1 ea h20008-8-1 semi-rigid metal flex duct (8"x8').+++2 ea h2350-08 locking clamp (8") and 1 ea h20508-8-1 semi-rigid metal flext duct (8'x8').+++2 ea h2350-08 locking clamp (8") and h20508-8-1 semi-rigid metal flex duct (8"x8').+++2 in pleated filter 6cs/50cs skid+++2 panel clamps+++2" second stage uv-resistant pre-filter+++2" pleated pre-filter+++2' x 2'+++2-in crevice tool for v8000wd+++2.75"x36yd+++2/cs+++2/cs.+++2/cs. +++2/ea.+++20' long+++20/skid+++2000+++200f+++24 rolls+++24 rolls/cs.+++24 tests per cs.+++24" panels with exhaust system installed and individual components+++24" wide+++24" x 200'+++24" x 24" ceiling plate with 8" collar and h2350-08 locking clamp for exhausting portable hepa-care systems into the area above the drop ceiling+++24" x 24" x 2" vapor-lock® high capacity 50% carbon & 50% potassium permanganate+++24" x 48" ceiling plate with 8" collar and h2350-08 locking clamp for exhausting portable hepa-care systems into the area above the drop ceiling+++25 foot section for use with ppm3-s and prm-rt series pressure monitors+++25 ft+++25' length+++25-ft discharge hose for v8000wd+++25/cs.+++25/skid+++2ea panel clamps+++2ea uv425 ultra-high output uvgi lamps & hc1818-h14 hepa filter+++2nd stage 2" pleated particulate prefilter+++3" aluminum+++30 mats per pack+++30 rolls/pallet)+++30 sheets/pad+++32" clearance (universal swing): aire guardian® shield telescoping containment door+++32" wide door in a 36" wide panel+++32" wide door in a 36" wide panel core only. door only; does not include door closure+++36"+++36" wide+++36" x 45" blue sticky mat+++36"" wide+++38" x 100'+++3ea shims.+++4 drums/pallet.+++4 gal canister hepa vacuum+++4 gal hepa vacuum+++4 packs per case+++4 pads/case+++4' x 8'+++4-way air pattern+++42" clearance (sliding): aire guardian® shield sliding containment door+++44" clearance (universal swing): aire guardian® shield telescoping containment door+++44" clearance (universal swing): aire guardian® shield telescoping containment door+++44" wide door in a 48" wide panel+++48" wide+++48" wide panel+++4ea uv425 ultra-high output uvgi lamps and hc1836-h14 hepa filter+++5 gal pail+++5 gal. pail+++5/cs.+++50' discharge hose for mp3000+++50/cs+++54" clearance (sliding): aire guardian® shield sliding containment door+++54"" clearance sliding): aire guardian ® shield sliding containment door+++55 gal. drum+++5gl+++5pk+++6 mil x 20' x 100' (available by pallet only+++6/cs+++6/cs.+++60" wide panel+++60"" wide panel+++6mil layflat duct 12in+++8 gal wet/dry hepa vac+++8 gal wet/dry hepa vacuum+++8" dia. x 12'+++8" dia. x 25'+++8" diameter duct hose joint+++8" inlet collar+++84”/123" adjustable height+++8” dia. x 12' long+++8” dia. x 8’ long+++9-in brush tool for v8000wd+++90 degrees inside fixed angle (non-variable); turns the wall towards the inside of the containment area. corner and hardware; includes 1ea upper and 1ea lower panel brackets+++99.97 hepa filter+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/12ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/18ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/36ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/42ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/45ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/72ea skid+++99.99 gel seal hepa 1ea/72ea skid+++99.99 gel seal hepa before 1/04+++99.99 hepa filter 1ea/36skid hepa-care+++abatement+++abatement 14/3 sjtw yellow extension cord+++abatement ag8000 ceiling extender+++abatement chemicals+++abatement technologies+++abetement+++add-on exhaust port: exhaust port kit for user installation. fits 24"+++additional hardware and accessories+++adjustable. l/r+++adsorball carbon v-bank filter+++afd filters & accessories+++afd filters & accessories+++ag icra door guard 10mil+++ag shield 36" large add-on window kit+++ag shield add-on window+++ag-caddy+++ag-caddy aire guardian® caddy+++ag-dg100+++ag-reprkit+++ag-ucart+++ag-ufmcart+++ag-uframe+++ag-ufrmbas+++ag-ufrmpol+++ag-ufrmpor+++ag-ufrmtop+++ag3000enc+++ag3000mccc+++ag3000mcck+++ag3100enc+++ag3100tmk+++ag3200-2ek+++ag5000+++ag5000 side wall access panel+++ag5000-sa+++ag5000kit+++ag8000+++ag8000 adapter collar 10” for pas750 (rev. c) +++ag8000 with pas750+++ag8000-ext24+++ag8000-rfkit+++ag8000cadk+++ag8000cord+++ag8000pas+++ag8000pas-rpm+++ag8000sc+++ag8750-adpt+++ags bracket+++ags-core-12-x3+++ags-core-18-x3+++ags-core-24-x3+++ags-core-36-x3+++ags-core-48-x3+++ags-core-cmp+++ags-core-d32+++ags-core-d44+++ags-core-ds42+++ags-core-ds54+++ags-core-ep24+++ags-core-p12+++ags-core-p18+++ags-core-p24+++ags-core-p36+++ags-core-p48+++agshield sample kits+++agshield standard panels+++agshield-12w-x3+++agshield-18w-x3+++agshield-24w-x3+++agshield-36w-x3+++agshield-48w-x3+++agshield-ar2+++agshield-ar2h+++agshield-ar3+++agshield-ar3h+++agshield-cart2+++agshield-cfi+++agshield-chu+++agshield-cmp+++agshield-d32w+++agshield-d44w+++agshield-ds42w+++agshield-ds54w+++agshield-ep24w+++agshield-ep24w and agshield-ex10; and 3ea agshield-hdwr and tape46.+++agshield-ex08+++agshield-ex10+++agshield-ex12+++agshield-exd+++agshield-exk+++agshield-hdwrdp+++agshield-hdwrdsp+++agshield-hwcg10+++agshield-hwcg10s+++agshield-hwfb10+++agshield-hwpb10+++agshield-hwpc10+++agshield-hwpm1+++agshield-hwpm2+++agshield-hwpmuk+++agshield-hws30+++agshield-keypad+++agshield-knbc-10+++agshield-knbp-10+++agshield-p12c+++agshield-p12w+++agshield-p18w+++agshield-p24w+++agshield-p36w+++agshield-p48w+++agshield-ti+++agshield-to+++agshield-wk+++agshield-wkl+++agshield-wsa+++agshield-wse3+++agshield-wsed+++agshield-wsel+++aire guardian® 10' heavy duty vinyl enclosure for ag3000mcck+++aire guardian® 3000 enclosure repair kit+++aire guardian® anteroom ag3100tmk+++aire guardian® base platform with four lockable casters+++aire guardian® bottom frame with locking post holder sockets+++aire guardian® dual purpose system+++aire guardian® frame and cart kit+++aire guardian® frame only+++aire guardian® left adjustable extension post+++aire guardian® mobile containment systems+++aire guardian® removable top frame+++aire guardian® right adjustable extension post+++aire guardian® shield corner+++aire guardian® shield keypad for doors.+++aire guardian® shield t connection+++aire guardian® shield wall seal+++aire guardian® transition module heavy duty vinyl enclosure for ag3100ark and ag3100tm+++also includes 2 each hcgd2 grip disks.+++and agshield-cart2; 3ea agshield-hdwr and tape46.+++and agshield-cart2; and 3ea agshield-hdwr and tape46.+++and clamps+++and dew point data logger with lcd+++and installation hardware. does not include manifold for ducting connection.+++ante up® hc7917 inflatable emergency anteroom+++ante up® replacement electric inflator+++aquatrap wifi dehumidifier+++aquatrap® dehumidifier+++aquatrap® lgr dehumidifier+++as205-5+++as300+++as302+++as304+++as305+++as305g+++as310+++as357+++as398+++as450+++as875-5+++as875-55+++asb3350cp6m+++asbestos bags (33x50)+++asbestos sign 14"x20"+++asbsign-pl+++at1210rep+++at150rs+++at200c+++at200c filter+++at200fltr+++at250fltr+++at250fltrkit+++at250rs+++at250rs pleated filter+++b101+++backpack hepa vacuum+++backpack hepa vacuum with tool set+++bd2km+++bd2kma+++beater bar power nozzle for v8000wd+++bio-might® 100 1gal+++black nylon+++blank security plate+++builder board hard floor cover+++bulldog+++bulldog durable polymer body negative air machines+++caddy kit for ag8000+++cage for the hepa for v8000wd+++cap filters & accessories+++carbon web only; no particulate filtration.+++carpet mask+++carry bag+++chemicals+++clamp+++clamp knobs+++clamps and other accessories for hepa-care® unit+++classic: 36" panel+++classic: 48" panel+++classic: agshield customer micro panel kit+++classic: aire guardian ® shield telescoping containment panel+++classic: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel+++classic: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel with exhaust port frame & security plate+++classic: panel height extension for 12" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 18" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 24" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 36" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 48" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: temporary reusable modular containment kit with fixed corners. includes 2ea agshield-cfi and agshield-wsed; 1ea: agshield- ds44w+++classic: temporary reusable modular containment kit with fixed corners. includes 2ea agshield-cfi and agshield-wsed; 1ea: agshield-d44w+++classic: temporary reusable modular containment kit with hinged corners. includes 2ea agshield-chu and agshield-wsed; 1ea: agshield- ds44w+++clear heavy duty pvc flex duct+++clear heavy-duty pvc flex duct+++clear poly sheeting+++clear polycarbonate+++clear: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel+++closed cell foam gasket (10 ft length)+++collars+++commercial zipdoor with 2-sided tape+++concrobium disinfectant cs4+++concrobium mold control 1gl cs4+++concrobium mold control 5gl+++concrobium mold stain remover+++concrobium mold stain remover cs4+++concrobium® mold stain remover+++concrobium® products+++connects 8" ducting to surfaces+++construction cart ag5000+++construction cart ag8000+++construction cart kit ag3000+++consumables+++containment kits+++containment module accessories+++containment modules+++contains 1 ea. 24" x 24" patch and adhesive+++core pnly. door only; does not include door closure+++core: aire guardian ® shield telescoping containment panel+++core: 36" panel+++core: 48" panel+++core: 60" panel+++core: agshield core customer micro panel kit+++core: aire guardian ® shield telescoping containment panel+++core: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel+++core: panel height extension for 12" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 18" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 24" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 36" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 48" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++corners+++coroplast-4x4+++corrugated aluminum semi-rigid ducting+++data logger+++dbd2100pk+++dehumidifiers+++dehumidifiers and accessories+++delmhorst® bd-2100w/cs moisture meter with case+++delmhorst® navigatorpro moisture meter package+++delmhorst® techcheck moisture meters package+++differential pressure monitor+++diffuser panel for exhaust or make up air for the agshield system. this accessory will work with the agshield-exk and agshield-ex24 panel and accepts a 16 x 16 x 2 pleated filter.+++dl-1000+++dnaproprpk+++door knob+++doors (with knob and closer)+++drip tray+++ds5040-00+++dtechckpk+++duct+++duct cleaning consumables+++durable polymer body+++dust bag for v10d+++dust containment kit ag8000+++easy up portable shower+++emergency anteroom module+++en100-5+++environmental monitors+++exhaust filter for v1300h+++extends up to 10' 3" high. does not include manifold. panel only; hardware not included.+++extends up to 10' 3" high. panel only; hardware not included.+++extends up to 10'3" high. panel only; hardware not included.+++extension cord+++extension wands for v8000wd+++f1821+++f2221+++f621+++fiber+++fiber trapper filter 1in cs12/45cs skid+++fiber trapper filter 2in cs12/20 cs skid+++filter+++final stage 99.97% hepa filter+++final stage 99.99% hepa filter for hc600f+++final stage 99.99% hepa filter with uv lamp for hc600fuv+++final stage cylindrical 99.97% hepa filter with uv lamp for hc400f-uv+++flame retardant tape+++fleece filter bag v8000wd pk5+++flex duct+++flex duct for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++flex-a-lite fogger for wet fogging+++floor mask+++for irradiating exhaust air from an hc800fd and hc500fd; mounts onto the top exhaust outlet. includes four ultra-high output uv425 uvgi lamps. note: this model cannot be used with any other hepa-care unit.+++for supplemental protection to hepa-care systems; fits into a 2 ft. x 2 ft. drop ceiling grid; includes four ultra-high output uv425 uvgi lamps.+++for use with ppm3-s and rpm-rts+++foster® 40-20™ fungicidal protective coating for ducts+++foster® first defense™ disinfectant+++foster® full defense™ fungicidal coating+++foster® sheer defense™ mold resistant clear coat+++fr corrugated plastic sheeting 4'x4'+++front caster for v8000wd+++galvanized steel+++gann electronic non-pin moisture meter+++germicidal uv lamp+++germicidal uv plus lamp+++grill-mask dispenser for 13" wide grill-mask+++grillmask 13in+++grillmask dispenser 13in+++grillmask dispenser 8in+++grip discs+++grip disks+++h1002+++h1010m+++h1210c-99+++h14 gel seal hepa 1ea/20ea skid+++h14-2025+++h161606-99+++h1901+++h1902+++h1910m+++h1980p+++h1990m+++h2001+++h2002+++h2003+++h2004+++h2010m+++h2015-12+++h2020-08+++h2020-10+++h2020-12+++h2030-08+++h2030-10+++h2030-12+++h2030-14+++h2030-8-12+++h203010-02+++h203010-12+++h203012-10+++h20508-8-1+++h2080p+++h2092-25+++h2092-25tl+++h2240-08+++h2240-08k+++h2240-12b+++h2240-12k+++h2308-08+++h2310-10+++h2312-12+++h2350-08+++h2350-10+++h2350-12+++h2350-14+++h2418-99+++h242406-99+++h242406dg+++h2km+++h2kma+++h502+++h502uvr+++h610c-99+++h610c-99uv+++h8516+++h8518+++handheld laser particle counter+++hardwre108+++hc vapor-lock filter+++hc-frtape+++hc-ywtape+++hc101acck+++hc103acck+++hc105acck+++hc1612c+++hc1612c-uv+++hc1802am+++hc1802cf+++hc1818-99+++hc1818-h14+++hc1836-99x+++hc1836-h14+++hc1836-h14 hepa filter and wall-mounted control box.+++hc183699gx+++hc2235-08+++hc2424-08k+++hc2448-08k+++hc400c-pp+++hc400f+++hc500fduv+++hc7917+++hc800c and uv400c-pt+++hc800cd+++hc800f+++hc800fd+++hc800fduv+++hc9900+++hcast-1+++hccb1+++hcfr2+++hcgd2+++hchdaz12+++hchdaz2+++hckt12+++hckt20+++hcnc1001+++hcnsp2+++hcpdpmtube+++hcsc2+++hcslp4+++hctph1+++hcvw8-c+++hczdc+++hczp4+++hd pvc flex duct 10inx25ft+++hd pvc flex duct 14in x 25ft+++heads+++hepa filter+++hepa filter 1ea/36ea skid+++hepa filter dry only+++hepa filter for v10d+++hepa filter for v1300h+++hepa filter for v930d hepa vacuum+++hepa filter wet/dry - vacuums+++hepa filters and uv lamps for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++hepa-air galvanized steel negative air machines+++hepa-aire+++hepa-aire 1200 portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire 2400 ultra-high performance portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire 5000 high performance portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire 750 portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire pas1700 portable air scrubber+++hepa-care digital portable hepa filtration system with hc1802am prefilter and hc1836-h14 hepa filter+++hepa-care® ceiling mounted germicidal uv module for stand alone use; fits into a 2 ft. x 2 ft. drop ceiling grid; includes four ultra-high output uv425 uvgi lamps.+++hepa-care® ceiling/duct mounted germicidal uv 'pass through' module+++hepa-care® digital ceiling-mounted hepa filtration system with hc1802am prefilter+++hepa-care® digital portable hepa filtration system with hc1802am prefilter+++hepa-care® germicidal uv module+++hepa-care® systems for patient care+++hi-filtration dust bags for v1300h+++humidity+++hwpc10+++ic21000fk**+++ic21000pk*+++icmobkc+++icmobvc+++icra compliance kit+++icra fr barrier 6mil+++icra kits+++icra packages for mobile containment+++includes h2350-08 locking clamp+++includes h2350-08 locking clamp+++inside door handle for ag8000+++inward facing+++iq810+++isolation room accessory kits+++isolation room installation kit for 24"x24" drop ceiling connection and contains: 1 ea hc2424-08 ceiling exhaust plate (24"x24")+++isolation room installation kit for 24"x48" drop ceiling connection and contains: 1 ea hc2448-08 ceiling exhaust plate (24"x48")+++isolation room installation kit for floor to window or 100% inside ceiling connection and contains: 1 ea hc2235-08 exhaust collar (8")+++isoquad® 8'x10' patient bed enclosure+++isoquad® 810 bed isolation module+++k1-gm-13+++k1-gm-8 grillmask 8in+++k1-gm-ds-13+++k1-gm-ds-8+++k1-gm-ds13+++k6-4020+++k6-4025+++k6-4051+++k6-4080+++k9-2600+++knbc-10+++knbp-10+++ladder03+++lamp+++latch09+++lead paint test kit+++lockdown encap 5gl+++locking black latch for ag8000+++locking clamp 10in dia+++locking clamp 12in dia+++locking clamp 14in dia+++locking clamp 8in dia+++man-pas600+++manifolds+++masti-solv plus®+++masti-solv® plus low mastic remover+++mega pump high-volume water extraction system+++metal curved wand for v8000wd+++metal floor nozzle for v8000wd+++metal frame+++metal portable air scrubbers+++miscellaneous accessories+++mmg2030+++modular decontamination shower+++moisture meters+++molded inlet manifold+++mp3000+++multi-purpose spray adhesive+++mylar flex 10in x 25ft cs6+++mylar flex 12in x 25ft cs4+++mylar flex 8in x 25ft cs6+++nashua spray adhesive 20oz can/12-cs+++negative air machines+++not for use above ceilings or when the hepa-care unit is exhausted into the hvac system+++or 48" panels. includes a front and back frame+++or connecting hardware.+++or pair (new)+++outlet collar-12" injection molded c/w gasket for h2km & h2kma+++outlet/exhaust adapter plate with 8” diameter collar for hc400c+++outward facing+++p-500+++p-505+++p-cm340clr+++p-cmbldls38100+++p-driptrayhd+++p-fm625clr+++p-sm377+++p-sm400+++p-sm409+++panel bracket sets+++panel knobs+++part number : h242406dg+++particulate / carbon prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++pas1200+++pas1200uv+++pas1680+++pas1700+++pas2400+++pas5000+++pas600 inlet manifld+++pas680+++pas750+++pc501+++phc-3b+++phc102+++plastic crevice wand for v8000wd+++plate & head+++plates+++pleated bag filter 4cs/32cs skid+++pleated filter 2in 12cs/12cs skid+++plt fltr 12cs/16cs skid+++pm-elbow+++pm-filter+++pm-qc+++poles+++poly pad filter 1in 50cs/12cs skid+++polygrabbers poly hanging clip+++polygrabbers poly hanging clip #3+++portable+++portable air scrubbers+++portable differential pressure monitor+++potassium permanganate carbon prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++potassium permanganate carbon prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines*+++power supply for ppm3-s+++power supply for rpm-rt series pressure monitors+++ppm wall hanger monitors+++ppm3-elbow+++ppm3-s+++ppm3s+++pred1200+++pred1200uv+++pred750+++predator+++predator & hepa-aire+++predator 1200 portable air scrubber+++predator 750 portable air scrubber+++pvc air tubing+++quick conn collar w/clamp 12in+++quick connect collar+++quick-connect collar+++quick-connect collar for connecting 8” exhaust ducting to solid surfaces+++ram centrifugal air movers+++ram low profile air movers+++ram1000dbl+++ram1000lp+++rear caster for v8000wd+++red stucco tape+++replacement bags for v930d hepa vacuum+++replacement filter pad for at150r & at250r+++replacement filters and uv lamps for hepa-care® units+++retrofit kit to change from haf filter to pleated filter for at150rs and at250rs. includes gasket spacer and screws. at150rs serial numbers before b70217200185 and at250rs serial numbers before b70317200185 require a retrofit kit to use a pleated filter+++retrofit kit to convert an ag8000 rev a unit to accept the fiberglass ladder and smooth collapsing telescoping ladder+++ring panel filter 2in 12cs/18cs skid+++room pressure monitoring accessories+++rpm-cable-025+++rpm-hang+++rpm-rt1+++rpm-rt2+++rpm-rtk1+++rpm-rtk2+++rpm-rtpower+++rpm-rtsensor+++rpm-rtsensorb+++rpm-std & dx units and charger for ppm3 units.(6v)+++rpm230psup+++rpmcable-025+++rpmrt1+++rpmsensor+++rrp-tk+++s4000eu+++s5000et+++s5110b+++s5300+++saf161601+++saf182401+++saf242401+++safe-flex dust control barrier & hangers+++shampoo 16.9oz/500ml btl+++shield 10" dia. exhaust manifold+++shield 12" dia. exhaust manifold+++shield 8" dia. exhaust manifold+++shield anteroom+++shield ceiling clamp+++shield containment panels+++shield hardware floor bracket+++shield keypad pack for doors+++shield panel clamp+++shield ppm3-s bracket+++shield rpm bracket+++shield shims+++shield slim ceiling clamp+++shield wall seal+++shower pump system+++sm2436pk+++sock filter for s5000et+++software included+++sound attenuating+++sound attenuating. accessories included: 2 panel brackets+++spark arrestor pre-filter+++spark arrestor prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++standard zippers+++static tip for terminating tubing in rooms+++sticky mat frame 24x36+++sticky mats+++straight blade+++suction brush for v8000wd+++super waterwetter 5gl+++supply air diffuser with plenum+++tape46+++teleshower+++temperature+++terminal duct filter (30/skid)+++terminal duct filter 1ea (15/skid)+++tethers+++tf2424+++tf2448+++three-piece metal adapter to attach drywall to agshield panels or doors (drywall not included). order one wsed per drywall installation.+++transport cart for aire guardian+++twist and lock power cord for pas2400 models without hard-wired cords.+++universal (90° inward to 270° outward)+++universal nozzle for v8000wd+++universal swing+++uv blue painters tape+++uv125+++uv400c+++uv400c-pt+++uv415+++uv425+++uv625+++uv800f+++uvgi lamp for pr1200uvhc model (2 required)+++uvp125+++uvp425+++uvp625+++v10d+++v1340+++v1342+++v1345+++v14295+++v1471097500+++v1471104500+++v15546+++v15805+++v302000447+++v302000465+++v302000472+++v5146+++v5147+++v54118+++v6084+++v6086+++v60911+++v8000wd+++v8010+++v8020+++v8023+++v8025+++v8040+++v8042+++v8042-w+++v8046+++v8050+++v930-10+++v93040+++v930d+++vacuum - wet continuous pumper+++vacuum accessories for v1300h+++vacuum accessories to the v8000wd+++vacuum toolkit for v8000wd+++vapor-lock filter 6cs/24cs skid+++vapor-lock filter 6cs/36cs skid+++vb242412+++vl1002+++vl2002+++vl2024+++vl602+++vlb1616+++vlb2418+++vlb2424+++vm60001+++vwv1800p+++wall seals+++wall-mounted+++wall-mounted differential pressure monitor+++wall-mounted temperature and relative humidity sensor for the rpm-rt series pressure monitors. does not include cable to connect to monitor.+++wall-mounted temperature and relative humidity sensor for the rpm-rt series pressure monitors; for room b on rpm-rt2 units. does not include cable to connect to monitor+++white sticky mats+++white. door only; does not include door closure+++white. accessories included: 2 panel brackets+++windows+++wire reinforced+++with 48" hose+++with exhaust port frame & security plate+++yellow vinyl tape+++zippered water resistant cover for ag8000 unit.+++zippers+++zipwall+++zipwall® 12’ poles+++zipwall® 4pl basic zipwall® kit+++zipwall® carry bag+++zipwall® dust barrier and accessories+++zipwall® economy pole kit+++zipwall® grip disks+++zipwall® heavy duty zipper+++zipwall® heavy duty zippers+++zipwall® plate only+++zipwall® poles+++zipwall® rails w/t-clips+++zipwall® side clamp+++zipwall® tether+++zipwall® zipdoor kit+++
- +++"classic: 60"" panel+++#12/3 awg+++1 ea h2240-08 quick-connect collar (8")+++1 ea hc2235-08 exhaust collar (8")+++1/8" elbow connector/reducer for ppm3 series monitors+++1/8" elbow connector/reducer for rpm-rt pressure monitors. 1/ea. note: 1/8" to 1/16" for rpm units only+++1/8" i.d.+++1/8" quick connect 1/8" adapter for ppm3-s & previous portable pressure monitors+++1/cs+++1/cs.+++1/cs. +++1/cs. marked with green dot.+++1/cs. for pas1600s & hhc (discont)+++1/ea+++1/ea.+++1/ea. (not for use above ceilings or when the hepa-care unit is exhausted into the hvac system.)+++1/ea. (ul class 0 - non-combustible)+++10 micron filter with barbs for pressure monitor including ppm3-s and rpm-trs+++10" diameter duct hose joint+++10-ft hose for v8000wd+++10/cs.+++100-240v+++100/cs.+++10in dia collar+++10” dia. x 12’+++11" combination nozzle for v8000wd+++12" diameter duct hose joint+++12" inlet/outlet collar+++12" wide+++12' spring loaded poles+++12/cs+++12/cs.+++16" x 16" x 2" vapor-lock® high capacity 50% carbon & potassium permanganate+++16' ladder for ag8000 units rev b and higher+++18" wide+++18" x 24" x 2" vapor-lock® high capacity 50% carbon & potassium permanganate+++18” industrial metal floor nozzle for v8000wd+++18” industrial metal squeegee for v8000wd+++1ea.+++1ea.- pn : v6084+++1in prefilter pad+++1in x 24in x 90ft roll filter+++2 ceiling clamps and 2 shims"+++2 ceiling clamps and 2 shims.+++2 ea h2350-08 locking clamp (8") and 1 ea h20008-8-1 semi-rigid metal flex duct (8"x8').+++2 ea h2350-08 locking clamp (8") and 1 ea h20508-8-1 semi-rigid metal flext duct (8'x8').+++2 ea h2350-08 locking clamp (8") and h20508-8-1 semi-rigid metal flex duct (8"x8').+++2 in pleated filter 6cs/50cs skid+++2 panel clamps+++2" second stage uv-resistant pre-filter+++2" pleated pre-filter+++2' x 2'+++2-in crevice tool for v8000wd+++2.75"x36yd+++2/cs+++2/cs.+++2/cs. +++2/ea.+++20' long+++20/skid+++2000+++200f+++24 rolls+++24 rolls/cs.+++24 tests per cs.+++24" panels with exhaust system installed and individual components+++24" wide+++24" x 200'+++24" x 24" ceiling plate with 8" collar and h2350-08 locking clamp for exhausting portable hepa-care systems into the area above the drop ceiling+++24" x 24" x 2" vapor-lock® high capacity 50% carbon & 50% potassium permanganate+++24" x 48" ceiling plate with 8" collar and h2350-08 locking clamp for exhausting portable hepa-care systems into the area above the drop ceiling+++25 foot section for use with ppm3-s and prm-rt series pressure monitors+++25 ft+++25' length+++25-ft discharge hose for v8000wd+++25/cs.+++25/skid+++2ea panel clamps+++2ea uv425 ultra-high output uvgi lamps & hc1818-h14 hepa filter+++2nd stage 2" pleated particulate prefilter+++3" aluminum+++30 mats per pack+++30 rolls/pallet)+++30 sheets/pad+++32" clearance (universal swing): aire guardian® shield telescoping containment door+++32" wide door in a 36" wide panel+++32" wide door in a 36" wide panel core only. door only; does not include door closure+++36"+++36" wide+++36" x 45" blue sticky mat+++36"" wide+++38" x 100'+++3ea shims.+++4 drums/pallet.+++4 gal canister hepa vacuum+++4 gal hepa vacuum+++4 packs per case+++4 pads/case+++4' x 8'+++4-way air pattern+++42" clearance (sliding): aire guardian® shield sliding containment door+++44" clearance (universal swing): aire guardian® shield telescoping containment door+++44" clearance (universal swing): aire guardian® shield telescoping containment door+++44" wide door in a 48" wide panel+++48" wide+++48" wide panel+++4ea uv425 ultra-high output uvgi lamps and hc1836-h14 hepa filter+++5 gal pail+++5 gal. pail+++5/cs.+++50' discharge hose for mp3000+++50/cs+++54" clearance (sliding): aire guardian® shield sliding containment door+++54"" clearance sliding): aire guardian ® shield sliding containment door+++55 gal. drum+++5gl+++5pk+++6 mil x 20' x 100' (available by pallet only+++6/cs+++6/cs.+++60" wide panel+++60"" wide panel+++6mil layflat duct 12in+++8 gal wet/dry hepa vac+++8 gal wet/dry hepa vacuum+++8" dia. x 12'+++8" dia. x 25'+++8" diameter duct hose joint+++8" inlet collar+++84”/123" adjustable height+++8” dia. x 12' long+++8” dia. x 8’ long+++9-in brush tool for v8000wd+++90 degrees inside fixed angle (non-variable); turns the wall towards the inside of the containment area. corner and hardware; includes 1ea upper and 1ea lower panel brackets+++99.97 hepa filter+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/12ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/18ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/36ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/42ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/45ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/72ea skid+++99.99 gel seal hepa 1ea/72ea skid+++99.99 gel seal hepa before 1/04+++99.99 hepa filter 1ea/36skid hepa-care+++abatement+++abatement 14/3 sjtw yellow extension cord+++abatement ag8000 ceiling extender+++abatement chemicals+++abatement technologies+++abetement+++add-on exhaust port: exhaust port kit for user installation. fits 24"+++additional hardware and accessories+++adjustable. l/r+++adsorball carbon v-bank filter+++afd filters & accessories+++afd filters & accessories+++ag icra door guard 10mil+++ag shield 36" large add-on window kit+++ag shield add-on window+++ag-caddy+++ag-caddy aire guardian® caddy+++ag-dg100+++ag-reprkit+++ag-ucart+++ag-ufmcart+++ag-uframe+++ag-ufrmbas+++ag-ufrmpol+++ag-ufrmpor+++ag-ufrmtop+++ag3000enc+++ag3000mccc+++ag3000mcck+++ag3100enc+++ag3100tmk+++ag3200-2ek+++ag5000+++ag5000 side wall access panel+++ag5000-sa+++ag5000kit+++ag8000+++ag8000 adapter collar 10” for pas750 (rev. c) +++ag8000 with pas750+++ag8000-ext24+++ag8000-rfkit+++ag8000cadk+++ag8000cord+++ag8000pas+++ag8000pas-rpm+++ag8000sc+++ag8750-adpt+++ags bracket+++ags-core-12-x3+++ags-core-18-x3+++ags-core-24-x3+++ags-core-36-x3+++ags-core-48-x3+++ags-core-cmp+++ags-core-d32+++ags-core-d44+++ags-core-ds42+++ags-core-ds54+++ags-core-ep24+++ags-core-p12+++ags-core-p18+++ags-core-p24+++ags-core-p36+++ags-core-p48+++agshield sample kits+++agshield standard panels+++agshield-12w-x3+++agshield-18w-x3+++agshield-24w-x3+++agshield-36w-x3+++agshield-48w-x3+++agshield-ar2+++agshield-ar2h+++agshield-ar3+++agshield-ar3h+++agshield-cart2+++agshield-cfi+++agshield-chu+++agshield-cmp+++agshield-d32w+++agshield-d44w+++agshield-ds42w+++agshield-ds54w+++agshield-ep24w+++agshield-ep24w and agshield-ex10; and 3ea agshield-hdwr and tape46.+++agshield-ex08+++agshield-ex10+++agshield-ex12+++agshield-exd+++agshield-exk+++agshield-hdwrdp+++agshield-hdwrdsp+++agshield-hwcg10+++agshield-hwcg10s+++agshield-hwfb10+++agshield-hwpb10+++agshield-hwpc10+++agshield-hwpm1+++agshield-hwpm2+++agshield-hwpmuk+++agshield-hws30+++agshield-keypad+++agshield-knbc-10+++agshield-knbp-10+++agshield-p12c+++agshield-p12w+++agshield-p18w+++agshield-p24w+++agshield-p36w+++agshield-p48w+++agshield-ti+++agshield-to+++agshield-wk+++agshield-wkl+++agshield-wsa+++agshield-wse3+++agshield-wsed+++agshield-wsel+++aire guardian® 10' heavy duty vinyl enclosure for ag3000mcck+++aire guardian® 3000 enclosure repair kit+++aire guardian® anteroom ag3100tmk+++aire guardian® base platform with four lockable casters+++aire guardian® bottom frame with locking post holder sockets+++aire guardian® dual purpose system+++aire guardian® frame and cart kit+++aire guardian® frame only+++aire guardian® left adjustable extension post+++aire guardian® mobile containment systems+++aire guardian® removable top frame+++aire guardian® right adjustable extension post+++aire guardian® shield corner+++aire guardian® shield keypad for doors.+++aire guardian® shield t connection+++aire guardian® shield wall seal+++aire guardian® transition module heavy duty vinyl enclosure for ag3100ark and ag3100tm+++also includes 2 each hcgd2 grip disks.+++and agshield-cart2; 3ea agshield-hdwr and tape46.+++and agshield-cart2; and 3ea agshield-hdwr and tape46.+++and clamps+++and dew point data logger with lcd+++and installation hardware. does not include manifold for ducting connection.+++ante up® hc7917 inflatable emergency anteroom+++ante up® replacement electric inflator+++aquatrap wifi dehumidifier+++aquatrap® dehumidifier+++aquatrap® lgr dehumidifier+++as205-5+++as300+++as302+++as304+++as305+++as305g+++as310+++as357+++as398+++as450+++as875-5+++as875-55+++asb3350cp6m+++asbestos bags (33x50)+++asbestos sign 14"x20"+++asbsign-pl+++at1210rep+++at150rs+++at200c+++at200c filter+++at200fltr+++at250fltr+++at250fltrkit+++at250rs+++at250rs pleated filter+++b101+++backpack hepa vacuum+++backpack hepa vacuum with tool set+++bd2km+++bd2kma+++beater bar power nozzle for v8000wd+++bio-might® 100 1gal+++black nylon+++blank security plate+++builder board hard floor cover+++bulldog+++bulldog durable polymer body negative air machines+++caddy kit for ag8000+++cage for the hepa for v8000wd+++cap filters & accessories+++carbon web only; no particulate filtration.+++carpet mask+++carry bag+++chemicals+++clamp+++clamp knobs+++clamps and other accessories for hepa-care® unit+++classic: 36" panel+++classic: 48" panel+++classic: agshield customer micro panel kit+++classic: aire guardian ® shield telescoping containment panel+++classic: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel+++classic: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel with exhaust port frame & security plate+++classic: panel height extension for 12" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 18" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 24" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 36" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 48" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: temporary reusable modular containment kit with fixed corners. includes 2ea agshield-cfi and agshield-wsed; 1ea: agshield- ds44w+++classic: temporary reusable modular containment kit with fixed corners. includes 2ea agshield-cfi and agshield-wsed; 1ea: agshield-d44w+++classic: temporary reusable modular containment kit with hinged corners. includes 2ea agshield-chu and agshield-wsed; 1ea: agshield- ds44w+++clear heavy duty pvc flex duct+++clear heavy-duty pvc flex duct+++clear poly sheeting+++clear polycarbonate+++clear: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel+++closed cell foam gasket (10 ft length)+++collars+++commercial zipdoor with 2-sided tape+++concrobium disinfectant cs4+++concrobium mold control 1gl cs4+++concrobium mold control 5gl+++concrobium mold stain remover+++concrobium mold stain remover cs4+++concrobium® mold stain remover+++concrobium® products+++connects 8" ducting to surfaces+++construction cart ag5000+++construction cart ag8000+++construction cart kit ag3000+++consumables+++containment kits+++containment module accessories+++containment modules+++contains 1 ea. 24" x 24" patch and adhesive+++core pnly. door only; does not include door closure+++core: aire guardian ® shield telescoping containment panel+++core: 36" panel+++core: 48" panel+++core: 60" panel+++core: agshield core customer micro panel kit+++core: aire guardian ® shield telescoping containment panel+++core: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel+++core: panel height extension for 12" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 18" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 24" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 36" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 48" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++corners+++coroplast-4x4+++corrugated aluminum semi-rigid ducting+++data logger+++dbd2100pk+++dehumidifiers+++dehumidifiers and accessories+++delmhorst® bd-2100w/cs moisture meter with case+++delmhorst® navigatorpro moisture meter package+++delmhorst® techcheck moisture meters package+++differential pressure monitor+++diffuser panel for exhaust or make up air for the agshield system. this accessory will work with the agshield-exk and agshield-ex24 panel and accepts a 16 x 16 x 2 pleated filter.+++dl-1000+++dnaproprpk+++door knob+++doors (with knob and closer)+++drip tray+++ds5040-00+++dtechckpk+++duct+++duct cleaning consumables+++durable polymer body+++dust bag for v10d+++dust containment kit ag8000+++easy up portable shower+++emergency anteroom module+++en100-5+++environmental monitors+++exhaust filter for v1300h+++extends up to 10' 3" high. does not include manifold. panel only; hardware not included.+++extends up to 10' 3" high. panel only; hardware not included.+++extends up to 10'3" high. panel only; hardware not included.+++extension cord+++extension wands for v8000wd+++f1821+++f2221+++f621+++fiber+++fiber trapper filter 1in cs12/45cs skid+++fiber trapper filter 2in cs12/20 cs skid+++filter+++final stage 99.97% hepa filter+++final stage 99.99% hepa filter for hc600f+++final stage 99.99% hepa filter with uv lamp for hc600fuv+++final stage cylindrical 99.97% hepa filter with uv lamp for hc400f-uv+++flame retardant tape+++fleece filter bag v8000wd pk5+++flex duct+++flex duct for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++flex-a-lite fogger for wet fogging+++floor mask+++for irradiating exhaust air from an hc800fd and hc500fd; mounts onto the top exhaust outlet. includes four ultra-high output uv425 uvgi lamps. note: this model cannot be used with any other hepa-care unit.+++for supplemental protection to hepa-care systems; fits into a 2 ft. x 2 ft. drop ceiling grid; includes four ultra-high output uv425 uvgi lamps.+++for use with ppm3-s and rpm-rts+++foster® 40-20™ fungicidal protective coating for ducts+++foster® first defense™ disinfectant+++foster® full defense™ fungicidal coating+++foster® sheer defense™ mold resistant clear coat+++fr corrugated plastic sheeting 4'x4'+++front caster for v8000wd+++galvanized steel+++gann electronic non-pin moisture meter+++germicidal uv lamp+++germicidal uv plus lamp+++grill-mask dispenser for 13" wide grill-mask+++grillmask 13in+++grillmask dispenser 13in+++grillmask dispenser 8in+++grip discs+++grip disks+++h1002+++h1010m+++h1210c-99+++h14 gel seal hepa 1ea/20ea skid+++h14-2025+++h161606-99+++h1901+++h1902+++h1910m+++h1980p+++h1990m+++h2001+++h2002+++h2003+++h2004+++h2010m+++h2015-12+++h2020-08+++h2020-10+++h2020-12+++h2030-08+++h2030-10+++h2030-12+++h2030-14+++h2030-8-12+++h203010-02+++h203010-12+++h203012-10+++h20508-8-1+++h2080p+++h2092-25+++h2092-25tl+++h2240-08+++h2240-08k+++h2240-12b+++h2240-12k+++h2308-08+++h2310-10+++h2312-12+++h2350-08+++h2350-10+++h2350-12+++h2350-14+++h2418-99+++h242406-99+++h242406dg+++h2km+++h2kma+++h502+++h502uvr+++h610c-99+++h610c-99uv+++h8516+++h8518+++handheld laser particle counter+++hardwre108+++hc vapor-lock filter+++hc-frtape+++hc-ywtape+++hc101acck+++hc103acck+++hc105acck+++hc1612c+++hc1612c-uv+++hc1802am+++hc1802cf+++hc1818-99+++hc1818-h14+++hc1836-99x+++hc1836-h14+++hc1836-h14 hepa filter and wall-mounted control box.+++hc183699gx+++hc2235-08+++hc2424-08k+++hc2448-08k+++hc400c-pp+++hc400f+++hc500fduv+++hc7917+++hc800c and uv400c-pt+++hc800cd+++hc800f+++hc800fd+++hc800fduv+++hc9900+++hcast-1+++hccb1+++hcfr2+++hcgd2+++hchdaz12+++hchdaz2+++hckt12+++hckt20+++hcnc1001+++hcnsp2+++hcpdpmtube+++hcsc2+++hcslp4+++hctph1+++hcvw8-c+++hczdc+++hczp4+++hd pvc flex duct 10inx25ft+++hd pvc flex duct 14in x 25ft+++heads+++hepa filter+++hepa filter 1ea/36ea skid+++hepa filter dry only+++hepa filter for v10d+++hepa filter for v1300h+++hepa filter for v930d hepa vacuum+++hepa filter wet/dry - vacuums+++hepa filters and uv lamps for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++hepa-air galvanized steel negative air machines+++hepa-aire+++hepa-aire 1200 portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire 2400 ultra-high performance portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire 5000 high performance portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire 750 portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire pas1700 portable air scrubber+++hepa-care digital portable hepa filtration system with hc1802am prefilter and hc1836-h14 hepa filter+++hepa-care® ceiling mounted germicidal uv module for stand alone use; fits into a 2 ft. x 2 ft. drop ceiling grid; includes four ultra-high output uv425 uvgi lamps.+++hepa-care® ceiling/duct mounted germicidal uv 'pass through' module+++hepa-care® digital ceiling-mounted hepa filtration system with hc1802am prefilter+++hepa-care® digital portable hepa filtration system with hc1802am prefilter+++hepa-care® germicidal uv module+++hepa-care® systems for patient care+++hi-filtration dust bags for v1300h+++humidity+++hwpc10+++ic21000fk**+++ic21000pk*+++icmobkc+++icmobvc+++icra compliance kit+++icra fr barrier 6mil+++icra kits+++icra packages for mobile containment+++includes h2350-08 locking clamp+++includes h2350-08 locking clamp+++inside door handle for ag8000+++inward facing+++iq810+++isolation room accessory kits+++isolation room installation kit for 24"x24" drop ceiling connection and contains: 1 ea hc2424-08 ceiling exhaust plate (24"x24")+++isolation room installation kit for 24"x48" drop ceiling connection and contains: 1 ea hc2448-08 ceiling exhaust plate (24"x48")+++isolation room installation kit for floor to window or 100% inside ceiling connection and contains: 1 ea hc2235-08 exhaust collar (8")+++isoquad® 8'x10' patient bed enclosure+++isoquad® 810 bed isolation module+++k1-gm-13+++k1-gm-8 grillmask 8in+++k1-gm-ds-13+++k1-gm-ds-8+++k1-gm-ds13+++k6-4020+++k6-4025+++k6-4051+++k6-4080+++k9-2600+++knbc-10+++knbp-10+++ladder03+++lamp+++latch09+++lead paint test kit+++lockdown encap 5gl+++locking black latch for ag8000+++locking clamp 10in dia+++locking clamp 12in dia+++locking clamp 14in dia+++locking clamp 8in dia+++man-pas600+++manifolds+++masti-solv plus®+++masti-solv® plus low mastic remover+++mega pump high-volume water extraction system+++metal curved wand for v8000wd+++metal floor nozzle for v8000wd+++metal frame+++metal portable air scrubbers+++miscellaneous accessories+++mmg2030+++modular decontamination shower+++moisture meters+++molded inlet manifold+++mp3000+++multi-purpose spray adhesive+++mylar flex 10in x 25ft cs6+++mylar flex 12in x 25ft cs4+++mylar flex 8in x 25ft cs6+++nashua spray adhesive 20oz can/12-cs+++negative air machines+++not for use above ceilings or when the hepa-care unit is exhausted into the hvac system+++or 48" panels. includes a front and back frame+++or connecting hardware.+++or pair (new)+++outlet collar-12" injection molded c/w gasket for h2km & h2kma+++outlet/exhaust adapter plate with 8” diameter collar for hc400c+++outward facing+++p-500+++p-505+++p-cm340clr+++p-cmbldls38100+++p-driptrayhd+++p-fm625clr+++p-sm377+++p-sm400+++p-sm409+++panel bracket sets+++panel knobs+++part number : h242406dg+++particulate / carbon prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++pas1200+++pas1200uv+++pas1680+++pas1700+++pas2400+++pas5000+++pas600 inlet manifld+++pas680+++pas750+++pc501+++phc-3b+++phc102+++plastic crevice wand for v8000wd+++plate & head+++plates+++pleated bag filter 4cs/32cs skid+++pleated filter 2in 12cs/12cs skid+++plt fltr 12cs/16cs skid+++pm-elbow+++pm-filter+++pm-qc+++poles+++poly pad filter 1in 50cs/12cs skid+++polygrabbers poly hanging clip+++polygrabbers poly hanging clip #3+++portable+++portable air scrubbers+++portable differential pressure monitor+++potassium permanganate carbon prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++potassium permanganate carbon prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines*+++power supply for ppm3-s+++power supply for rpm-rt series pressure monitors+++ppm wall hanger monitors+++ppm3-elbow+++ppm3-s+++ppm3s+++pred1200+++pred1200uv+++pred750+++predator+++predator & hepa-aire+++predator 1200 portable air scrubber+++predator 750 portable air scrubber+++pvc air tubing+++quick conn collar w/clamp 12in+++quick connect collar+++quick-connect collar+++quick-connect collar for connecting 8” exhaust ducting to solid surfaces+++ram centrifugal air movers+++ram low profile air movers+++ram1000dbl+++ram1000lp+++rear caster for v8000wd+++red stucco tape+++replacement bags for v930d hepa vacuum+++replacement filter pad for at150r & at250r+++replacement filters and uv lamps for hepa-care® units+++retrofit kit to change from haf filter to pleated filter for at150rs and at250rs. includes gasket spacer and screws. at150rs serial numbers before b70217200185 and at250rs serial numbers before b70317200185 require a retrofit kit to use a pleated filter+++retrofit kit to convert an ag8000 rev a unit to accept the fiberglass ladder and smooth collapsing telescoping ladder+++ring panel filter 2in 12cs/18cs skid+++room pressure monitoring accessories+++rpm-cable-025+++rpm-hang+++rpm-rt1+++rpm-rt2+++rpm-rtk1+++rpm-rtk2+++rpm-rtpower+++rpm-rtsensor+++rpm-rtsensorb+++rpm-std & dx units and charger for ppm3 units.(6v)+++rpm230psup+++rpmcable-025+++rpmrt1+++rpmsensor+++rrp-tk+++s4000eu+++s5000et+++s5110b+++s5300+++saf161601+++saf182401+++saf242401+++safe-flex dust control barrier & hangers+++shampoo 16.9oz/500ml btl+++shield 10" dia. exhaust manifold+++shield 12" dia. exhaust manifold+++shield 8" dia. exhaust manifold+++shield anteroom+++shield ceiling clamp+++shield containment panels+++shield hardware floor bracket+++shield keypad pack for doors+++shield panel clamp+++shield ppm3-s bracket+++shield rpm bracket+++shield shims+++shield slim ceiling clamp+++shield wall seal+++shower pump system+++sm2436pk+++sock filter for s5000et+++software included+++sound attenuating+++sound attenuating. accessories included: 2 panel brackets+++spark arrestor pre-filter+++spark arrestor prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++standard zippers+++static tip for terminating tubing in rooms+++sticky mat frame 24x36+++sticky mats+++straight blade+++suction brush for v8000wd+++super waterwetter 5gl+++supply air diffuser with plenum+++tape46+++teleshower+++temperature+++terminal duct filter (30/skid)+++terminal duct filter 1ea (15/skid)+++tethers+++tf2424+++tf2448+++three-piece metal adapter to attach drywall to agshield panels or doors (drywall not included). order one wsed per drywall installation.+++transport cart for aire guardian+++twist and lock power cord for pas2400 models without hard-wired cords.+++universal (90° inward to 270° outward)+++universal nozzle for v8000wd+++universal swing+++uv blue painters tape+++uv125+++uv400c+++uv400c-pt+++uv415+++uv425+++uv625+++uv800f+++uvgi lamp for pr1200uvhc model (2 required)+++uvp125+++uvp425+++uvp625+++v10d+++v1340+++v1342+++v1345+++v14295+++v1471097500+++v1471104500+++v15546+++v15805+++v302000447+++v302000465+++v302000472+++v5146+++v5147+++v54118+++v6084+++v6086+++v60911+++v8000wd+++v8010+++v8020+++v8023+++v8025+++v8040+++v8042+++v8042-w+++v8046+++v8050+++v930-10+++v93040+++v930d+++vacuum - wet continuous pumper+++vacuum accessories for v1300h+++vacuum accessories to the v8000wd+++vacuum toolkit for v8000wd+++vapor-lock filter 6cs/24cs skid+++vapor-lock filter 6cs/36cs skid+++vb242412+++vl1002+++vl2002+++vl2024+++vl602+++vlb1616+++vlb2418+++vlb2424+++vm60001+++vwv1800p+++wall seals+++wall-mounted+++wall-mounted differential pressure monitor+++wall-mounted temperature and relative humidity sensor for the rpm-rt series pressure monitors. does not include cable to connect to monitor.+++wall-mounted temperature and relative humidity sensor for the rpm-rt series pressure monitors; for room b on rpm-rt2 units. does not include cable to connect to monitor+++white sticky mats+++white. door only; does not include door closure+++white. accessories included: 2 panel brackets+++windows+++wire reinforced+++with 48" hose+++with exhaust port frame & security plate+++yellow vinyl tape+++zippered water resistant cover for ag8000 unit.+++zippers+++zipwall+++zipwall® 12’ poles+++zipwall® 4pl basic zipwall® kit+++zipwall® carry bag+++zipwall® dust barrier and accessories+++zipwall® economy pole kit+++zipwall® grip disks+++zipwall® heavy duty zipper+++zipwall® heavy duty zippers+++zipwall® plate only+++zipwall® poles+++zipwall® rails w/t-clips+++zipwall® side clamp+++zipwall® tether+++zipwall® zipdoor kit+++
- +++"classic: 60"" panel+++#12/3 awg+++1 ea h2240-08 quick-connect collar (8")+++1 ea hc2235-08 exhaust collar (8")+++1/8" elbow connector/reducer for ppm3 series monitors+++1/8" elbow connector/reducer for rpm-rt pressure monitors. 1/ea. note: 1/8" to 1/16" for rpm units only+++1/8" i.d.+++1/8" quick connect 1/8" adapter for ppm3-s & previous portable pressure monitors+++1/cs+++1/cs.+++1/cs. +++1/cs. marked with green dot.+++1/cs. for pas1600s & hhc (discont)+++1/ea+++1/ea.+++1/ea. (not for use above ceilings or when the hepa-care unit is exhausted into the hvac system.)+++1/ea. (ul class 0 - non-combustible)+++10 micron filter with barbs for pressure monitor including ppm3-s and rpm-trs+++10" diameter duct hose joint+++10-ft hose for v8000wd+++10/cs.+++100-240v+++100/cs.+++10in dia collar+++10” dia. x 12’+++11" combination nozzle for v8000wd+++12" diameter duct hose joint+++12" inlet/outlet collar+++12" wide+++12' spring loaded poles+++12/cs+++12/cs.+++16" x 16" x 2" vapor-lock® high capacity 50% carbon & potassium permanganate+++16' ladder for ag8000 units rev b and higher+++18" wide+++18" x 24" x 2" vapor-lock® high capacity 50% carbon & potassium permanganate+++18” industrial metal floor nozzle for v8000wd+++18” industrial metal squeegee for v8000wd+++1ea.+++1ea.- pn : v6084+++1in prefilter pad+++1in x 24in x 90ft roll filter+++2 ceiling clamps and 2 shims"+++2 ceiling clamps and 2 shims.+++2 ea h2350-08 locking clamp (8") and 1 ea h20008-8-1 semi-rigid metal flex duct (8"x8').+++2 ea h2350-08 locking clamp (8") and 1 ea h20508-8-1 semi-rigid metal flext duct (8'x8').+++2 ea h2350-08 locking clamp (8") and h20508-8-1 semi-rigid metal flex duct (8"x8').+++2 in pleated filter 6cs/50cs skid+++2 panel clamps+++2" second stage uv-resistant pre-filter+++2" pleated pre-filter+++2' x 2'+++2-in crevice tool for v8000wd+++2.75"x36yd+++2/cs+++2/cs.+++2/cs. +++2/ea.+++20' long+++20/skid+++2000+++200f+++24 rolls+++24 rolls/cs.+++24 tests per cs.+++24" panels with exhaust system installed and individual components+++24" wide+++24" x 200'+++24" x 24" ceiling plate with 8" collar and h2350-08 locking clamp for exhausting portable hepa-care systems into the area above the drop ceiling+++24" x 24" x 2" vapor-lock® high capacity 50% carbon & 50% potassium permanganate+++24" x 48" ceiling plate with 8" collar and h2350-08 locking clamp for exhausting portable hepa-care systems into the area above the drop ceiling+++25 foot section for use with ppm3-s and prm-rt series pressure monitors+++25 ft+++25' length+++25-ft discharge hose for v8000wd+++25/cs.+++25/skid+++2ea panel clamps+++2ea uv425 ultra-high output uvgi lamps & hc1818-h14 hepa filter+++2nd stage 2" pleated particulate prefilter+++3" aluminum+++30 mats per pack+++30 rolls/pallet)+++30 sheets/pad+++32" clearance (universal swing): aire guardian® shield telescoping containment door+++32" wide door in a 36" wide panel+++32" wide door in a 36" wide panel core only. door only; does not include door closure+++36"+++36" wide+++36" x 45" blue sticky mat+++36"" wide+++38" x 100'+++3ea shims.+++4 drums/pallet.+++4 gal canister hepa vacuum+++4 gal hepa vacuum+++4 packs per case+++4 pads/case+++4' x 8'+++4-way air pattern+++42" clearance (sliding): aire guardian® shield sliding containment door+++44" clearance (universal swing): aire guardian® shield telescoping containment door+++44" clearance (universal swing): aire guardian® shield telescoping containment door+++44" wide door in a 48" wide panel+++48" wide+++48" wide panel+++4ea uv425 ultra-high output uvgi lamps and hc1836-h14 hepa filter+++5 gal pail+++5 gal. pail+++5/cs.+++50' discharge hose for mp3000+++50/cs+++54" clearance (sliding): aire guardian® shield sliding containment door+++54"" clearance sliding): aire guardian ® shield sliding containment door+++55 gal. drum+++5gl+++5pk+++6 mil x 20' x 100' (available by pallet only+++6/cs+++6/cs.+++60" wide panel+++60"" wide panel+++6mil layflat duct 12in+++8 gal wet/dry hepa vac+++8 gal wet/dry hepa vacuum+++8" dia. x 12'+++8" dia. x 25'+++8" diameter duct hose joint+++8" inlet collar+++84”/123" adjustable height+++8” dia. x 12' long+++8” dia. x 8’ long+++9-in brush tool for v8000wd+++90 degrees inside fixed angle (non-variable); turns the wall towards the inside of the containment area. corner and hardware; includes 1ea upper and 1ea lower panel brackets+++99.97 hepa filter+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/12ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/18ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/36ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/42ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/45ea skid+++99.97 hepa filter 1ea/72ea skid+++99.99 gel seal hepa 1ea/72ea skid+++99.99 gel seal hepa before 1/04+++99.99 hepa filter 1ea/36skid hepa-care+++abatement+++abatement 14/3 sjtw yellow extension cord+++abatement ag8000 ceiling extender+++abatement chemicals+++abatement technologies+++abetement+++add-on exhaust port: exhaust port kit for user installation. fits 24"+++additional hardware and accessories+++adjustable. l/r+++adsorball carbon v-bank filter+++afd filters & accessories+++afd filters & accessories+++ag icra door guard 10mil+++ag shield 36" large add-on window kit+++ag shield add-on window+++ag-caddy+++ag-caddy aire guardian® caddy+++ag-dg100+++ag-reprkit+++ag-ucart+++ag-ufmcart+++ag-uframe+++ag-ufrmbas+++ag-ufrmpol+++ag-ufrmpor+++ag-ufrmtop+++ag3000enc+++ag3000mccc+++ag3000mcck+++ag3100enc+++ag3100tmk+++ag3200-2ek+++ag5000+++ag5000 side wall access panel+++ag5000-sa+++ag5000kit+++ag8000+++ag8000 adapter collar 10” for pas750 (rev. c) +++ag8000 with pas750+++ag8000-ext24+++ag8000-rfkit+++ag8000cadk+++ag8000cord+++ag8000pas+++ag8000pas-rpm+++ag8000sc+++ag8750-adpt+++ags bracket+++ags-core-12-x3+++ags-core-18-x3+++ags-core-24-x3+++ags-core-36-x3+++ags-core-48-x3+++ags-core-cmp+++ags-core-d32+++ags-core-d44+++ags-core-ds42+++ags-core-ds54+++ags-core-ep24+++ags-core-p12+++ags-core-p18+++ags-core-p24+++ags-core-p36+++ags-core-p48+++agshield sample kits+++agshield standard panels+++agshield-12w-x3+++agshield-18w-x3+++agshield-24w-x3+++agshield-36w-x3+++agshield-48w-x3+++agshield-ar2+++agshield-ar2h+++agshield-ar3+++agshield-ar3h+++agshield-cart2+++agshield-cfi+++agshield-chu+++agshield-cmp+++agshield-d32w+++agshield-d44w+++agshield-ds42w+++agshield-ds54w+++agshield-ep24w+++agshield-ep24w and agshield-ex10; and 3ea agshield-hdwr and tape46.+++agshield-ex08+++agshield-ex10+++agshield-ex12+++agshield-exd+++agshield-exk+++agshield-hdwrdp+++agshield-hdwrdsp+++agshield-hwcg10+++agshield-hwcg10s+++agshield-hwfb10+++agshield-hwpb10+++agshield-hwpc10+++agshield-hwpm1+++agshield-hwpm2+++agshield-hwpmuk+++agshield-hws30+++agshield-keypad+++agshield-knbc-10+++agshield-knbp-10+++agshield-p12c+++agshield-p12w+++agshield-p18w+++agshield-p24w+++agshield-p36w+++agshield-p48w+++agshield-ti+++agshield-to+++agshield-wk+++agshield-wkl+++agshield-wsa+++agshield-wse3+++agshield-wsed+++agshield-wsel+++aire guardian® 10' heavy duty vinyl enclosure for ag3000mcck+++aire guardian® 3000 enclosure repair kit+++aire guardian® anteroom ag3100tmk+++aire guardian® base platform with four lockable casters+++aire guardian® bottom frame with locking post holder sockets+++aire guardian® dual purpose system+++aire guardian® frame and cart kit+++aire guardian® frame only+++aire guardian® left adjustable extension post+++aire guardian® mobile containment systems+++aire guardian® removable top frame+++aire guardian® right adjustable extension post+++aire guardian® shield corner+++aire guardian® shield keypad for doors.+++aire guardian® shield t connection+++aire guardian® shield wall seal+++aire guardian® transition module heavy duty vinyl enclosure for ag3100ark and ag3100tm+++also includes 2 each hcgd2 grip disks.+++and agshield-cart2; 3ea agshield-hdwr and tape46.+++and agshield-cart2; and 3ea agshield-hdwr and tape46.+++and clamps+++and dew point data logger with lcd+++and installation hardware. does not include manifold for ducting connection.+++ante up® hc7917 inflatable emergency anteroom+++ante up® replacement electric inflator+++aquatrap wifi dehumidifier+++aquatrap® dehumidifier+++aquatrap® lgr dehumidifier+++as205-5+++as300+++as302+++as304+++as305+++as305g+++as310+++as357+++as398+++as450+++as875-5+++as875-55+++asb3350cp6m+++asbestos bags (33x50)+++asbestos sign 14"x20"+++asbsign-pl+++at1210rep+++at150rs+++at200c+++at200c filter+++at200fltr+++at250fltr+++at250fltrkit+++at250rs+++at250rs pleated filter+++b101+++backpack hepa vacuum+++backpack hepa vacuum with tool set+++bd2km+++bd2kma+++beater bar power nozzle for v8000wd+++bio-might® 100 1gal+++black nylon+++blank security plate+++builder board hard floor cover+++bulldog+++bulldog durable polymer body negative air machines+++caddy kit for ag8000+++cage for the hepa for v8000wd+++cap filters & accessories+++carbon web only; no particulate filtration.+++carpet mask+++carry bag+++chemicals+++clamp+++clamp knobs+++clamps and other accessories for hepa-care® unit+++classic: 36" panel+++classic: 48" panel+++classic: agshield customer micro panel kit+++classic: aire guardian ® shield telescoping containment panel+++classic: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel+++classic: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel with exhaust port frame & security plate+++classic: panel height extension for 12" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 18" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 24" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 36" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: panel height extension for 48" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3" - white+++classic: temporary reusable modular containment kit with fixed corners. includes 2ea agshield-cfi and agshield-wsed; 1ea: agshield- ds44w+++classic: temporary reusable modular containment kit with fixed corners. includes 2ea agshield-cfi and agshield-wsed; 1ea: agshield-d44w+++classic: temporary reusable modular containment kit with hinged corners. includes 2ea agshield-chu and agshield-wsed; 1ea: agshield- ds44w+++clear heavy duty pvc flex duct+++clear heavy-duty pvc flex duct+++clear poly sheeting+++clear polycarbonate+++clear: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel+++closed cell foam gasket (10 ft length)+++collars+++commercial zipdoor with 2-sided tape+++concrobium disinfectant cs4+++concrobium mold control 1gl cs4+++concrobium mold control 5gl+++concrobium mold stain remover+++concrobium mold stain remover cs4+++concrobium® mold stain remover+++concrobium® products+++connects 8" ducting to surfaces+++construction cart ag5000+++construction cart ag8000+++construction cart kit ag3000+++consumables+++containment kits+++containment module accessories+++containment modules+++contains 1 ea. 24" x 24" patch and adhesive+++core pnly. door only; does not include door closure+++core: aire guardian ® shield telescoping containment panel+++core: 36" panel+++core: 48" panel+++core: 60" panel+++core: agshield core customer micro panel kit+++core: aire guardian ® shield telescoping containment panel+++core: aire guardian® shield telescoping containment panel+++core: panel height extension for 12" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 18" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 24" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 36" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++core: panel height extension for 48" wide panels and doors. 10'4" to 13'3"+++corners+++coroplast-4x4+++corrugated aluminum semi-rigid ducting+++data logger+++dbd2100pk+++dehumidifiers+++dehumidifiers and accessories+++delmhorst® bd-2100w/cs moisture meter with case+++delmhorst® navigatorpro moisture meter package+++delmhorst® techcheck moisture meters package+++differential pressure monitor+++diffuser panel for exhaust or make up air for the agshield system. this accessory will work with the agshield-exk and agshield-ex24 panel and accepts a 16 x 16 x 2 pleated filter.+++dl-1000+++dnaproprpk+++door knob+++doors (with knob and closer)+++drip tray+++ds5040-00+++dtechckpk+++duct+++duct cleaning consumables+++durable polymer body+++dust bag for v10d+++dust containment kit ag8000+++easy up portable shower+++emergency anteroom module+++en100-5+++environmental monitors+++exhaust filter for v1300h+++extends up to 10' 3" high. does not include manifold. panel only; hardware not included.+++extends up to 10' 3" high. panel only; hardware not included.+++extends up to 10'3" high. panel only; hardware not included.+++extension cord+++extension wands for v8000wd+++f1821+++f2221+++f621+++fiber+++fiber trapper filter 1in cs12/45cs skid+++fiber trapper filter 2in cs12/20 cs skid+++filter+++final stage 99.97% hepa filter+++final stage 99.99% hepa filter for hc600f+++final stage 99.99% hepa filter with uv lamp for hc600fuv+++final stage cylindrical 99.97% hepa filter with uv lamp for hc400f-uv+++flame retardant tape+++fleece filter bag v8000wd pk5+++flex duct+++flex duct for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++flex-a-lite fogger for wet fogging+++floor mask+++for irradiating exhaust air from an hc800fd and hc500fd; mounts onto the top exhaust outlet. includes four ultra-high output uv425 uvgi lamps. note: this model cannot be used with any other hepa-care unit.+++for supplemental protection to hepa-care systems; fits into a 2 ft. x 2 ft. drop ceiling grid; includes four ultra-high output uv425 uvgi lamps.+++for use with ppm3-s and rpm-rts+++foster® 40-20™ fungicidal protective coating for ducts+++foster® first defense™ disinfectant+++foster® full defense™ fungicidal coating+++foster® sheer defense™ mold resistant clear coat+++fr corrugated plastic sheeting 4'x4'+++front caster for v8000wd+++galvanized steel+++gann electronic non-pin moisture meter+++germicidal uv lamp+++germicidal uv plus lamp+++grill-mask dispenser for 13" wide grill-mask+++grillmask 13in+++grillmask dispenser 13in+++grillmask dispenser 8in+++grip discs+++grip disks+++h1002+++h1010m+++h1210c-99+++h14 gel seal hepa 1ea/20ea skid+++h14-2025+++h161606-99+++h1901+++h1902+++h1910m+++h1980p+++h1990m+++h2001+++h2002+++h2003+++h2004+++h2010m+++h2015-12+++h2020-08+++h2020-10+++h2020-12+++h2030-08+++h2030-10+++h2030-12+++h2030-14+++h2030-8-12+++h203010-02+++h203010-12+++h203012-10+++h20508-8-1+++h2080p+++h2092-25+++h2092-25tl+++h2240-08+++h2240-08k+++h2240-12b+++h2240-12k+++h2308-08+++h2310-10+++h2312-12+++h2350-08+++h2350-10+++h2350-12+++h2350-14+++h2418-99+++h242406-99+++h242406dg+++h2km+++h2kma+++h502+++h502uvr+++h610c-99+++h610c-99uv+++h8516+++h8518+++handheld laser particle counter+++hardwre108+++hc vapor-lock filter+++hc-frtape+++hc-ywtape+++hc101acck+++hc103acck+++hc105acck+++hc1612c+++hc1612c-uv+++hc1802am+++hc1802cf+++hc1818-99+++hc1818-h14+++hc1836-99x+++hc1836-h14+++hc1836-h14 hepa filter and wall-mounted control box.+++hc183699gx+++hc2235-08+++hc2424-08k+++hc2448-08k+++hc400c-pp+++hc400f+++hc500fduv+++hc7917+++hc800c and uv400c-pt+++hc800cd+++hc800f+++hc800fd+++hc800fduv+++hc9900+++hcast-1+++hccb1+++hcfr2+++hcgd2+++hchdaz12+++hchdaz2+++hckt12+++hckt20+++hcnc1001+++hcnsp2+++hcpdpmtube+++hcsc2+++hcslp4+++hctph1+++hcvw8-c+++hczdc+++hczp4+++hd pvc flex duct 10inx25ft+++hd pvc flex duct 14in x 25ft+++heads+++hepa filter+++hepa filter 1ea/36ea skid+++hepa filter dry only+++hepa filter for v10d+++hepa filter for v1300h+++hepa filter for v930d hepa vacuum+++hepa filter wet/dry - vacuums+++hepa filters and uv lamps for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++hepa-air galvanized steel negative air machines+++hepa-aire+++hepa-aire 1200 portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire 2400 ultra-high performance portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire 5000 high performance portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire 750 portable air scrubber+++hepa-aire pas1700 portable air scrubber+++hepa-care digital portable hepa filtration system with hc1802am prefilter and hc1836-h14 hepa filter+++hepa-care® ceiling mounted germicidal uv module for stand alone use; fits into a 2 ft. x 2 ft. drop ceiling grid; includes four ultra-high output uv425 uvgi lamps.+++hepa-care® ceiling/duct mounted germicidal uv 'pass through' module+++hepa-care® digital ceiling-mounted hepa filtration system with hc1802am prefilter+++hepa-care® digital portable hepa filtration system with hc1802am prefilter+++hepa-care® germicidal uv module+++hepa-care® systems for patient care+++hi-filtration dust bags for v1300h+++humidity+++hwpc10+++ic21000fk**+++ic21000pk*+++icmobkc+++icmobvc+++icra compliance kit+++icra fr barrier 6mil+++icra kits+++icra packages for mobile containment+++includes h2350-08 locking clamp+++includes h2350-08 locking clamp+++inside door handle for ag8000+++inward facing+++iq810+++isolation room accessory kits+++isolation room installation kit for 24"x24" drop ceiling connection and contains: 1 ea hc2424-08 ceiling exhaust plate (24"x24")+++isolation room installation kit for 24"x48" drop ceiling connection and contains: 1 ea hc2448-08 ceiling exhaust plate (24"x48")+++isolation room installation kit for floor to window or 100% inside ceiling connection and contains: 1 ea hc2235-08 exhaust collar (8")+++isoquad® 8'x10' patient bed enclosure+++isoquad® 810 bed isolation module+++k1-gm-13+++k1-gm-8 grillmask 8in+++k1-gm-ds-13+++k1-gm-ds-8+++k1-gm-ds13+++k6-4020+++k6-4025+++k6-4051+++k6-4080+++k9-2600+++knbc-10+++knbp-10+++ladder03+++lamp+++latch09+++lead paint test kit+++lockdown encap 5gl+++locking black latch for ag8000+++locking clamp 10in dia+++locking clamp 12in dia+++locking clamp 14in dia+++locking clamp 8in dia+++man-pas600+++manifolds+++masti-solv plus®+++masti-solv® plus low mastic remover+++mega pump high-volume water extraction system+++metal curved wand for v8000wd+++metal floor nozzle for v8000wd+++metal frame+++metal portable air scrubbers+++miscellaneous accessories+++mmg2030+++modular decontamination shower+++moisture meters+++molded inlet manifold+++mp3000+++multi-purpose spray adhesive+++mylar flex 10in x 25ft cs6+++mylar flex 12in x 25ft cs4+++mylar flex 8in x 25ft cs6+++nashua spray adhesive 20oz can/12-cs+++negative air machines+++not for use above ceilings or when the hepa-care unit is exhausted into the hvac system+++or 48" panels. includes a front and back frame+++or connecting hardware.+++or pair (new)+++outlet collar-12" injection molded c/w gasket for h2km & h2kma+++outlet/exhaust adapter plate with 8” diameter collar for hc400c+++outward facing+++p-500+++p-505+++p-cm340clr+++p-cmbldls38100+++p-driptrayhd+++p-fm625clr+++p-sm377+++p-sm400+++p-sm409+++panel bracket sets+++panel knobs+++part number : h242406dg+++particulate / carbon prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++pas1200+++pas1200uv+++pas1680+++pas1700+++pas2400+++pas5000+++pas600 inlet manifld+++pas680+++pas750+++pc501+++phc-3b+++phc102+++plastic crevice wand for v8000wd+++plate & head+++plates+++pleated bag filter 4cs/32cs skid+++pleated filter 2in 12cs/12cs skid+++plt fltr 12cs/16cs skid+++pm-elbow+++pm-filter+++pm-qc+++poles+++poly pad filter 1in 50cs/12cs skid+++polygrabbers poly hanging clip+++polygrabbers poly hanging clip #3+++portable+++portable air scrubbers+++portable differential pressure monitor+++potassium permanganate carbon prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++potassium permanganate carbon prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines*+++power supply for ppm3-s+++power supply for rpm-rt series pressure monitors+++ppm wall hanger monitors+++ppm3-elbow+++ppm3-s+++ppm3s+++pred1200+++pred1200uv+++pred750+++predator+++predator & hepa-aire+++predator 1200 portable air scrubber+++predator 750 portable air scrubber+++pvc air tubing+++quick conn collar w/clamp 12in+++quick connect collar+++quick-connect collar+++quick-connect collar for connecting 8” exhaust ducting to solid surfaces+++ram centrifugal air movers+++ram low profile air movers+++ram1000dbl+++ram1000lp+++rear caster for v8000wd+++red stucco tape+++replacement bags for v930d hepa vacuum+++replacement filter pad for at150r & at250r+++replacement filters and uv lamps for hepa-care® units+++retrofit kit to change from haf filter to pleated filter for at150rs and at250rs. includes gasket spacer and screws. at150rs serial numbers before b70217200185 and at250rs serial numbers before b70317200185 require a retrofit kit to use a pleated filter+++retrofit kit to convert an ag8000 rev a unit to accept the fiberglass ladder and smooth collapsing telescoping ladder+++ring panel filter 2in 12cs/18cs skid+++room pressure monitoring accessories+++rpm-cable-025+++rpm-hang+++rpm-rt1+++rpm-rt2+++rpm-rtk1+++rpm-rtk2+++rpm-rtpower+++rpm-rtsensor+++rpm-rtsensorb+++rpm-std & dx units and charger for ppm3 units.(6v)+++rpm230psup+++rpmcable-025+++rpmrt1+++rpmsensor+++rrp-tk+++s4000eu+++s5000et+++s5110b+++s5300+++saf161601+++saf182401+++saf242401+++safe-flex dust control barrier & hangers+++shampoo 16.9oz/500ml btl+++shield 10" dia. exhaust manifold+++shield 12" dia. exhaust manifold+++shield 8" dia. exhaust manifold+++shield anteroom+++shield ceiling clamp+++shield containment panels+++shield hardware floor bracket+++shield keypad pack for doors+++shield panel clamp+++shield ppm3-s bracket+++shield rpm bracket+++shield shims+++shield slim ceiling clamp+++shield wall seal+++shower pump system+++sm2436pk+++sock filter for s5000et+++software included+++sound attenuating+++sound attenuating. accessories included: 2 panel brackets+++spark arrestor pre-filter+++spark arrestor prefilters for portable air scrubbers and negative air machines+++standard zippers+++static tip for terminating tubing in rooms+++sticky mat frame 24x36+++sticky mats+++straight blade+++suction brush for v8000wd+++super waterwetter 5gl+++supply air diffuser with plenum+++tape46+++teleshower+++temperature+++terminal duct filter (30/skid)+++terminal duct filter 1ea (15/skid)+++tethers+++tf2424+++tf2448+++three-piece metal adapter to attach drywall to agshield panels or doors (drywall not included). order one wsed per drywall installation.+++transport cart for aire guardian+++twist and lock power cord for pas2400 models without hard-wired cords.+++universal (90° inward to 270° outward)+++universal nozzle for v8000wd+++universal swing+++uv blue painters tape+++uv125+++uv400c+++uv400c-pt+++uv415+++uv425+++uv625+++uv800f+++uvgi lamp for pr1200uvhc model (2 required)+++uvp125+++uvp425+++uvp625+++v10d+++v1340+++v1342+++v1345+++v14295+++v1471097500+++v1471104500+++v15546+++v15805+++v302000447+++v302000465+++v302000472+++v5146+++v5147+++v54118+++v6084+++v6086+++v60911+++v8000wd+++v8010+++v8020+++v8023+++v8025+++v8040+++v8042+++v8042-w+++v8046+++v8050+++v930-10+++v93040+++v930d+++vacuum - wet continuous pumper+++vacuum accessories for v1300h+++vacuum accessories to the v8000wd+++vacuum toolkit for v8000wd+++vapor-lock filter 6cs/24cs skid+++vapor-lock filter 6cs/36cs skid+++vb242412+++vl1002+++vl2002+++vl2024+++vl602+++vlb1616+++vlb2418+++vlb2424+++vm60001+++vwv1800p+++wall seals+++wall-mounted+++wall-mounted differential pressure monitor+++wall-mounted temperature and relative humidity sensor for the rpm-rt series pressure monitors. does not include cable to connect to monitor.+++wall-mounted temperature and relative humidity sensor for the rpm-rt series pressure monitors; for room b on rpm-rt2 units. does not include cable to connect to monitor+++white sticky mats+++white. door only; does not include door closure+++white. accessories included: 2 panel brackets+++windows+++wire reinforced+++with 48" hose+++with exhaust port frame & security plate+++yellow vinyl tape+++zippered water resistant cover for ag8000 unit.+++zippers+++zipwall+++zipwall® 12’ poles+++zipwall® 4pl basic zipwall® kit+++zipwall® carry bag+++zipwall® dust barrier and accessories+++zipwall® economy pole kit+++zipwall® grip disks+++zipwall® heavy duty zipper+++zipwall® heavy duty zippers+++zipwall® plate only+++zipwall® poles+++zipwall® rails w/t-clips+++zipwall® side clamp+++zipwall® tether+++zipwall® zipdoor kit+++