Yokogawa Parts
- News
- 20 Feb, 2018
Yokogawa had liquid and gas analyzers for practically every application, from pH/ORP and conductivity analysis to laser analysis and process gas chromatography. We are known worldwide for our leadership in this field and are helping to protect the enviroment by reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
I. pH/ORP Analyzers
PH450G, FLXA21, PH202G, PH71, PH72, SC25F, FU24F, FU20F, FU20, PH8ERP, PH8EFP, pH Sensors, OR8ERG, OR8EFG, PH8EHP, SM21/SR20/SC21, ect.
II. Conductivity Analyzers
SC450G, DC402G, FLXA21, SC202G, SC72, ISC450G, ISC202G, SC210G, SC8SG, SC4AJ, SC42, ISC40GJ, ISC40S.
III. Dissolved Oxygen Analyzers
DO402G, FLXA21, DO202G, DO70G, DO30G
IV. MLSS Analyzers
SS400, SS300G
V. Oxigen Analyzers
ZR402G, ZR202G, ZR22S, AV550G, OX400, ZR402G/ZR22G, ect.
Please contact us for pricing.